Lt Bhaskar Shukla: The Art of falling in love with yourself.
10 things you didnt know about Egypt

What is the art of loving yourself?

Lt Bhaskar Shukla ex-serviceman, speaks about the art of falling in love with yourself as the best gift you can give yourself. Love without self is incomplete. Have you ever noticed that you cannot make others happy when you are miserable? Instead, if you invest your time in making yourself happy you tend to make others happy automatically. Then it’s not an effort but a part of your personality.

Is it selfish to Fall in love with yourself?

It is definitely not selfish to love yourself. Who else will love you more than you? who else can understand your needs better than you? Only you can either build your life or ruin it?

You can only build your life when you love yourself. But how? Read ahead to find out.

What are the advantages of falling in love with yourself?

Falling in love with yourself has multiple advantages. You take care of your eating. You exercise regularly. You pamper your body with good rest. You put it to the test by exercising. You replenish it with a good nutrient-rich diet. You invest your time in reading. You exercise your mind with good information. You surround yourself socially with like-minded people. You work towards enriching and enhancing yourself daily. this improves your mental strength.

When you are mentally and physically strong you are more confident and stress-free. Exercise releases endorphins hormones in your body which makes you naturally happy. You will realise you are more alert during the day. You are more productive and abound in positive energy. All this with just one hour of exercise triggers other activities in life. Isn’t it an amazing feeling of being happy and in love with yourself?

It’s not just a theory, I have witnessed it myself and I wish to share it with you.

The subtle art of ignoring social envy

Falling in love with yourself has its advantages we have seen that. It has a few disadvantages too. let’s find out what are they.

With your goal in place and dedication and discipline, you can actually move mountains.

It brings positivity, confidence and excellence too.

What are the downsides of being too focused?

The downsides are very evident. You tend to leave parties early because you want to catch up on your sleep and reading before you hit the sack.

You wake up before the sun rises.

You enjoy the joy of being healthy and strong. You are mentally filled with happiness and enthusiasm.

You are full of confidence.

You are the most envied person among your social circuits.

You look younger than your college and school friends.

Your doctor hates you because you have not given him a chance to treat you.

All you need it to practice is the Subtle art of ignoring social envy.

Let haters hate you. You concentrate on yourself.

10 things you didnt know about Egypt

Who is Lt Bhakar Shukla? Let’s find out.

I am Bhaskar Shukla. I often get taunted with the word multifacet person. I like to run marathons, cycle at cyclotrons, swim at swimathon and do all three at triathlons. Ha Ha.

I am an ex-Indian Navy officer of the Diving cadre having done special courses like the Ships Diver Officer course, Marine Commando course, etc. during my Naval tenure.

 I also had got NCC A, B and C Certificates during my schooling days.

I have 1 lac+ organic followers on Social Media and many of them are defence and civil sector officers.

Also, I have a rich and varied experience of 10+ years in corporate security, vigilance, operations.

HR & Admin and Fire & safety;

Currently, I am the Security Head of a Thermal Power Plant near Delhi.

I have 50k+ LinkedIn Followers.

Recently, I had successfully completed 100KM Ultra-Marathon to get my medal and 7 KM non-stop swimming before the first lockdown.

I received the highest accreditation of security i.e. CPP® Certification of ASIS International with 88% marks, which is the international gold standard for any security professional and CISM® Certification by ISACA, the biggest Information Security Certification.

And during the first Lockdown, I had completed 175 Certifications in just 40 days which is a record in itself and was viewed by 5 lac+ professionals on LinkedIn.

I am a Triathlete, Physical trainer and a Diet Consultant as well, always maintaining my six-packs.

am also a Motivational Speaker,

Time Intelligence Coach, SSB Coach, English Communication Coach, Social Media Strategist and a Spiritual Healer.

People call me a master of all trades. Some people envy me for all the achievements I have had during my lifetime. I have learned to subtly ignore social envy, only because I love myself. Hence I treat myself with respect.

I would call it a sheer passion for excellence. I can call myself a perfectionist.

 I look for perfection in my work all the time. Hence I end putting myself through acid tests time and again.

Trust me it was not an easy journey being a perfectionist, but being an ex-service-man you love challenges.

Today when I look back I am very happy to see what I have achieved.

Actually, I find it unbelievable at times. How in the world did I manage to do all this.

It has everything to do with an inquisitive mind and an eye for excellence. I have a very creative mind and like to acquire various skills and knowledge. I like to read books. I seldom watch television or the news. I prefer to play a sport rather than watch it.

I am a very people’s person. I like to meet people understand them and learn new things.

I am a very simple and grounded person. I still look forward to having my mom’s alu ke paranthe with Dahi and aam ka achaar.

By God’s grace, I have launched a wonderful group “The Ultimate Mentors (TUM)” with an incredible Logo where famous professional celebrities, IAS & IPS officers, politicians, senior Defence Officers and experts (whom we often watch on TV) are coming together to share a common vision of empowering the Youth.

 We are 350+ members as of now and have pages, groups, accounts and channels on every Social Networking site, be it our own websites (,






Tumbler, or

 Quora, etc.

I am a Security Activist, a Writer and a Poet as well.

My work is mostly in English.

10 things you didnt know about Egypt

I am generally invited by government organisations, corporates and universities for motivational speaking for their staff and students.

 An incredible event that has happened in my life is that I have got all my natural hair back naturally by some unique techniques which I often share on one on one basis with interested enthusiasts.

 I also am often invited by running events organizing companies for being their brand ambassador. Under the banner of TUM.

 I have launched a running group is known as TUM Athletes for conducting online and offline running and fitness events.

I am generally referred for training, guidance and mentoring for the newly released officers of the Army, Navy and Air force.

Currently, I am doing Jyotish Alankar Course from Bhartiya Vidya Bhawan, New Delhi.

Below are some relevant links:


How do we do it?

It’s very clear all of us have 24 hrs in a day. So we have close to 18 hrs on our hands. The key to utilizing every minute of your time into a productive time of your life is right planning.

  • You need to prioritise your life.
  • You need to choose your dreams wisely.
  • You need clarity of what do you wish to achieve at the end of the day.

Based on the above two points you need to plan your day accordingly.

Multitasking is the name of the game. If you plan and prioritise your work multitasking becomes easy. Achieving your goals becomes like challenging than stress.

Money is important for survival. You cannot sustain your life on dreams alone. One needs to be practical.

If you wish to succeed work alone. If you wish to continue being successful work with a team.

Don’t even try to do everything yourself. You will end up messing up your mind. The biggest hitch is to hire people to delegate your mundane jobs. This will leave a lot of time to plan, ahead and prioritise your work.

This is why some people become great industrialists and some end up shutting down their startups.

If you want to have something you never had, you will have to do something you never did

The idea is to write down your goals and concentrate on achieving them.

Being Ethical:

Once a person asked a saint what is it I need to be in life to achieve great success. The saint smiled and replied “ You need to concentrate on being a good human being. There is a lot of scope in this field.”

It’s true that you need to do a lot of hard work to achieve great success. But mind you do not ever succumb to cutting lines.

Love thy competitors

Never try to indulge in mudslinging others it’s just bad karma.

Bad karma never brings you good luck, it always comes back to you. You need to focus on your competitors closely.

It helps you enhance your strength. Treat your competitors as your ally because they may be competing against you in business but they are the first ones to pick on your mistakes.

So invest your time in strengthening and enhancing your skills and strength rest everything will fall in place.

It is also important to have your personal time.

After all, you need to invest time in unwinding and indulging in your life.

Run like you stole something, eat like it’s your last meal and sleep like you won’t wake up next time.

What do I mean by this quote? Running is not just a physical sport it is a mental game too. When you run you are talking to your body.

 You need to understand its signals. You need to strengthen your weakness so the next day it becomes your strength. So it does not matter who is running faster than your or slower than you, it doesn’t matter if you are running fast or slow just give it your best. Watch your step it’s very important to concentrate on yourself.

Your body needs to replenish too. So treat your body with a healthy nutritious diet. Do not compromise on the quality of the food. After all, that goes down your throat is what you are gonna see in your health.

Rest is also an integral part of your routine. Your body needs its time to recuperate as well. So resting in the form of meditation, sleep is as important as food is for your body.

Never compromise on any of the above-mentioned points.

When you exercise your body tends to be more energetic during the day. You are more productive at work and also stress-free.

My personal experience of falling in love with myself

There used to be a swimming pool in my school. So used to swim daily for 1 hr before school.

 My goal was to get a good height. The body has a tendency of getting used to a certain routine so you need to work harder. I began swimming more laps in that one hour. Obviously, I began enjoying that challenge. But pain is natural isn’t it.

I had my times when I wanted to give up. But I had the clarity of my goal which was to gain good height. That kept me going. I had many opportunities to give it up very tempting opportunities but I stuck to my goal and continued my little routine.

Today I am not only blessed with a good height but also a 6 pack ab which I work hard to maintain. I have no regrets in life. All this for having fallen in love with me.

My discipline has taught me one very vital lesson in life. How can you not help falling in love with yourself?

It brings in progress. It has inculcated the habit of improving myself daily. Being the better version of myself. It is something I look for in every aspect of my life.

Future goals:

I am currently concentrating my energy to participate in the 10 km swimming.

I would just say these few things. Love yourself enough to work on your strengths and weaknesses. Love yourself enough to be the better version of yourself daily. Do not shy away from asking for help. Never shy away from helping others. Focus on your targets. Prioritise your life. Hard work has killed no one lethargy has.

Nothing is impossible. With dedication, focus, planning and training you can achieve anything you aspire . Wasting time is lethal. Invest your time wisely.

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