Damodar Balduwa: A simple yet fast Marathon runner


Simple yet fast Marathon runner. What does it even mean?

For starters, a Marathon is the longest foot race extending to a distance of 42.2 km approx. These races are organised on open roads, forests, hilly arenas or stadiums.

After having run that distance over and over again you tend to have an edge over others. As normal human tendency would have it there comes an inflated ego.

Marathon is a race to test human endurance. One might think that running a marathon is more of a physical endurance race. I beg to differ being a marathon runner myself I have come across multiple runners who have started from nothing, without proper training, lack of diet and nutrition knowledge etc. Yet they have crossed unbelievable milestones in their lives.

Running a Marathon is not an easy sport. It requires a lot of dedication, practice, training and most of all discipline. Despite all these achievements they are so humble and down to earth, it kind of makes me wonder. Is it really that simple to achieve what they have achieved?

As the famous quote states “it’s really simple to be happy, but very difficult to be simple.

Running a marathon is a classic example of pure dedication and hard work over a period of time which brings in good results.

10 things you didnt know about Egypt

Damodar Balduwa


I am a Marathon Runner living in Thane. I was born and brought up in Goregaon. Qualified Chartered Accountant and Company Secretary, Studied in Ruia School – Vile Parle and NM College – Vile Parle.

My hometown is Rajasthan but born and bought up in Mumbai.

Love to listen to good music, Mohmad Rafi and Lata Mangeshkar being my favourite. Playing and watching cricket and lawn tennis is my favourite pass time. Running is my passion and has been running for love for a decade now.

Working as a CFO in Corporate Sector

Initial struggle as a ameteur runner.

The road to wellness is never easy. Changing your lifestyle where bhujia is replaced with nuts and crackers, definitely ain’t easy, it’s actually very tough. But over the period of time when you begin to reap the benefits of this tough change, you become tougher. That’s exactly what happened to me.

Initially, I did have a rough start. I used to be slightly overweight and with growing age doctors advised me to lose weight. So I decided to start walking. The first lesson I learned due to my persistent walking was your body is a very intelligent mechanism. It rebels change initially once you decide to rebel against your mind-body eventually supports you. I began with running 200m daily eventually I climbed the distance to 26 km.

That was my story 12 years back, today I have run close to 30000 km.

The Marathons I have participated in.

I have participated in

Mumbai Ultra,

Standard Chartered Mumbai Marathon

Vasi Virar Mayors Marathon.

Few 10k and about 200 Half marathons, 14 full marathons and 3 ultra marathons.

My Pb(personal best) in Half Marathon has been 1hr 50min and my PB in Full marathon has been 4hrs 7 minutes.

I have run maximum mileage of 72 km in 12 hours.

For beginners, 10 k marathon is a running distance of 10 km. The half marathon distance is 21.42 km. The full marathon distance is 42.2 km and any distance higher than 42 km is an Ultramarathon.

Running a Marathon is a mental game? How ?

Running a Marathon is more of a mental game than a physical one. It’s all about breaking mental barriers. With the right training, dedication and discipline one can actually move mountains.

When you train regularly your body adapts to the change eventually it hurts later you get used to it. That’s when you tweak your training and go higher, initially, I was unable to run even 200 m today I run 42 km with ease.

Its not something I achieved overnight it took me a lot of time and dedication to achieve this finesse. So when you run a particular distance at a particular time you train harder for the next year when you complete the same distance at a lower time is when you feel a sense of achievement.

10 things you didnt know about Egypt

Running naturally releases a hormone called endorphins in our body. Endorphins make you feel happy.

When a person consumes alcohol your body releases endorphins too but alcohol consumption ruins your internal organs in the long run.

Whereas running strengthens your internal organs in the long run. Like alcohol even running is addictive but I guess I prefer to start my day with shoes in my hands rather than end it with a glass.

I have led a very clean lifestyle all through my life. I have always been a teetotaller all my life. Vices like smoking or drinking have always been out of my radar for strictly principle reasons.

Running has changed my LIFE to a greater extent as feel motivated, high positive spirit and greater energy level and can not succumb to depression or stress! It gives me good confidence.

Runners should be passionate abt running and must always give their best, compete with themselves. Marathon running is all about being the better version of yourself. You compete with yourself and that how you improve and improvise.

This discipline has brought about a huge change in my life. I am more alert at work. I am full of energy to take up more tasks.

My colleagues used to envy me because I was always bustling with energy and happy all the time.

Being a financial person has its level of ups and downs.

Despite all that, I can actually pat my back for I have motivated many of my fat corporate friends to follow suit. So now we meet over a run than at corporate parties.

My social circles and all family members and relatives know me as a runner !!

Family is quite supportive to me as always and extend all helps in preparations for daily runs and events

My Passion motivates and prepares me for a daily run as believe RUNNING IS MY LIFE

Striking the right balance.

10 things you didnt know about Egypt

Striking the right balance is everything in life. I balance between family life, social life, professional work and running as everything is required without compromising on anything !! I do go out for vacations with my family and friends. The only difference is I carry my running shoes along with me.

I wake up a few hours before everyone wakes up to explore a new track for running and get back before they wake up. So I am good to go for the rest of the day without disturbing anyone.

Financial Yoga:

10 things you didnt know about Egypt

Yoga is not just an exercise form. It’s a way of life. Along with Mental, physical and professional wellness, financial wellness is of utmost importance as well.

Being in finance has its very important as always working on financial planning- long term and short term and budgeting. Just like how you prepare or train your body for a run, similarly, you need to plan your finances for a secure tomorrow.

The latest pandemic has rendered many people without work and money. With the right guidance and planning, at the right time, you can not only secure your future but also enjoy your life without too much stress.

Being true to yourself:

Having financial security, mental and physical health isn’t just enough. I believe in the need to have a good mental and physical detox at regular intervals. I work towards being a better version of myself. I have an open mind and never shy away from learning new things. I research and practice different forms of exercise, similarly, I too keep myself updated with the latest trends of the market and new technologies that come in the market.

It gives me the innate pleasure to try new things. I do not share my thoughts with a dead audience. But I do not shy away from sharing my knowledge with others who are interested.

This only helps me grow mentally and spiritually. Of course and u have to be honest with a good soul so u can love urself. much more !!

Investing in your personal health.

Health is Wealth as u can maintain good health through exercise!

Despite exercising, eating right and being mentally strong is not enough. Diseases, injuries and infections are a part and parcel of life. No body can evade that, but when you exercise and follow a strict regime in terms of diet your body is strong enough to combat any adversities that come your way.

This is one thing I have realised with personal experience. Hence I never cheat with my daily routine at all. Come rain, come fall I have dared it all. As the famous saying goes, I can’t stop the storm by I can adjust my sails.

Achieving small personal goals daily.

I normally set out for a run with an open mind. I train in Thane where we are blessed with good places to try different tracks.

I listen to my body and challenge myself daily. It gives me that sense of achievement and pride when I do well. Despite having run for so long I do have my days when I tire fast. Those are my saddest days.

I do not get disheartened with them. Because seldom your body has its mood swings too. I need to respect it so I go easy on it. I have noticed my body has its guilty pleasure of treating me badly at times. But when I let it have its way it eventually gives up and supports me the next day.

I guess that is the way my body communicates with me. After all my body is my personal best friend who will stand by me till my last breath. I feel it’s my duty to keep it happy.

My biggest fear before a run.

Running a Marathon is like appearing for an exam. Training for it is like preparing for the ultimate test. It’s been 11 years since I have started running, almost 28000 km I have run over the years, yet every runSo like a little schoolboy my biggest fear before any Marathon is will I achieve my PB(Personal Best).

It has brought me back to my childhood days.

If I don’t then I know I need to train better. This fear always keeps me at the edge. But I feel happy because this fear also keeps me in check.

I normally run on flat routes and at times I run at Yeour hills in Thane.

Every running event is a sheer joy but will always cherish my first ever full Mumbai marathon run in 2012 as the smoothest one as did run with no expectations with just 18-month running career.

I accept the fact that I am more of a recreational runner. I am nowhere close to the elite runners. Elite runners run for a different goal altogether, my goals are different.

Health, motivation, to get positive energy level, confidence-boosting, socialising , weight control, keeping diabetes and BP away and to love myself more, athlete image amongst friends – family and social and office life and to spend some quality time within me

My family and me

My Family and Me.

I am a happy man. I love myself to pieces. My life consists of my wife, my children, my parents, siblings and loved ones. I run because I love myself hence believe in keeping my mental and physical health in the pink of health.

My family feels I am too obsessed with running, but over the years they have realised it makes me happy, hence they support me a lot.

I am more of a peoples person than a social media person. But I do have my social media accounts to be in touch with the other fellow runners. I limit myself to be among my people more.

I get my health check-up done regularly.

During the pandemic I used to work from.home.and run as usual

Working from home has its perks but I prefer to travel to my workplace.

Can work.more as saving in travelling time

Health is Wealth !!

I have been running indoors so not had much gap

To maintain best health and sound financial.position

I like to watch matches in Wankhede since 1986. Did watch World Cup final in April 2011

Yes I do and did watch matches in Wankhed since 1986.Did watch the World Cup final in April 2011

I personally feel that everyone should indulge in running or playing some kind of sport. It is the best stress buster and my happiness mantra. It actually brings out the child in me when I go for a run. Here I am just Damodar not someone’s husband, brother father or son. I am just Damodar the runner who runs daily. I get to call out to friends who pass by people call out to me like how we used to shout out for our friends to play during our childhood.

I had read somewhere you attract like-minded people in life. I agree with that because I like to meet Honest, Sincere, Decent and hardworking people like me.

 I do believe in helping the genuine needy I have donated for various causes as well.

For me Running is a LIFE. I began running to reduce weight. I ended up losing not only visceral fat but also ended up strengthening my internal organs and my doctor was very happy to see my decreased LDL and cholesterol, my stress test was better than a 16-year-old child. I have the energy of a newborn baby. All this I achieved with just 1 hr of running daily and a few tweaks in my regular diet. What more can I ask for in life. I would continue running till my last breath. I sometimes wonder we were so simple when we were kids. Then life happened. I am happy with the way my life has shaped up, with no regrets whatever. I have a beautiful family, friends who love me for what I am, I am financially secured and I have my running. God has been kind I cannot ask for more.

If you are angry, go for a run, if you are happy, go for a run, If you are happy for a run. Whatever the situation do not forget to go for a run it gives you the energy to combat any good bad or ugly situation. If you do not believe me just give it a try. After all, you have nothing to lose. So what is stopping you? If you happen to see me while running just wave out to me so next time we can run together.

Have a great life ahead.

32 thoughts on “Damodar Balduwa: A simple yet fast Marathon runner

  1. Hats off for your dedication and efforts , your sincerity, honesty what all you did for your Passion highly appreciate

  2. Very inspirational post, good to know about your marathon journey and Hats off for your dedication and efforts .๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿป

    1. Passionate Runner just what I can Say about you…. Unstoppable Runner !
      All my good wishes are with you ๐Ÿ‘

  3. Proud of you , you are an inspiration .
    Hats off to you
    I am glad you are going for medical check ups regularly as i have seen many ailments comes when we push our limits best of luck always

    1. Everything Happens for a reason. Crossing you during your runs happened for a reason. You have motivated an entire Generation of Runners.

  4. Feeling great to read about this article and you.As I know, you are dedicated and very passionate person. You are inspiration to youth. Hats off..

  5. The Most Consistent Runner and a Good Human Being, Thanks for Sharing your wonderful experience in running aspect. Wishing you the Best Damodar Balduwa Sir. Keep Running and Keep Inspiring us๐Ÿ’ช

  6. Most Consistent Runner and a Good Human Being. We always see Mr. Damodar Sir, running long for most about 15-25K a day, I don’t know how he does, but this is inspirational. I wish him all the best ahead and keep running, the way he is doing it now. Thanks for Sharing your wonderful long running experience, Go ahead and Keep ticking the milestones.

  7. Its sure a long, difficult journey from a sedentary office goer to marathon and ultra marathons, requiring patience & perseverance aplenty. Congrats Damodar for sharing such useful life experience of yours…one thing, i thought u liked Mumbai VadaPav more than gujia

  8. Very well covered and well deserved. Great to see that you motivated your corporate colleagues to catchup over a run rather than a corporate party๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ‘

  9. Nice inspiring article.. keep it up sir..ur focus and dedication wud lead u to achieve even more… A great sportman spirit..๐Ÿ‘

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