There is the amateur sports association GAAC 2007 VERONAMARATHON ASD  behind the Verona Marathon,  the Giulietta & Romeo Half Marathon, the Cangrande Half Marathon, the Last 10k and the Christmasrun in Verona.

A team that, thanks to the active collaboration with the Municipality of Verona , has managed in recent years to make the Verona marathon and the Giulietta & Romeo Half Marathon one of the most popular events in the sector in Italy.

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There is the amateur sports association GAAC 2007 VERONAMARATHON ASD  behind the Verona Marathon,  the Giulietta & Romeo Half Marathon, the Cangrande Half Marathon, the Last 10k and the Christmasrun in Verona.

Shakespeare placed star-crossed lovers Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet in Verona for good reason: romance, drama and fatal family feuding have been the city’s hallmark for centuries. From the 3rd century BC Verona was a Roman trade centre with ancient gates, a forum (now Piazza delle Erbe) and a grand Roman arena, which still serves as one of the world’s great opera venues. In the Middle Ages the city flourished under the wrathful della Scala clan, who were as much energetic patrons of the arts as they were murderous tyrants. Their elaborate Gothic tombs, the Arche Scaligere, are just off Piazza dei Signori.

With that being said, the Verona Marathon is the place to be!!

The appointment with the legendary 42.195 km Verona marathon is for late November. Race ever organized by G.A.A.C. 2007 Veronamarathon ASD and Veronamarathon EVENTS, in collaboration with the City of Verona. A special race , charming, inserted in the calendar of IAAF (International Association Athletics Federation ) and FIDAL (Italian Federation of Athletics). Start fixed at 8.45 from Sant’Ambrogio di Valpolicella , a charming and relaxing course through the countryside of Verona before entering the city and enjoy the artistic towns. The novelty is the arrival in the beautiful central piazza Erbe, Verona’s oldest square , the beating heart of the city. Half Marathon 21.097 km – But there’s more . Even those who are unwilling to deal with the 42.195 km will join the party and run with us. New this year is the new Can Grande Half Marathon 21.097 km . Same origin and destination . Same path until kilometer 19. Always great emotions .

Course Highlights:

The start of Veronamarathon and Cangrande Half Marathon will take place at Piazza Bra. After passing the arches of Portoni della Bra with the clock, you enter on the left side of Corso Porta Nuova that runs up to the Monumental door and back to the right i to take Circonvallazione Oriani to Porta Palio.

To the right to Corso Porta Palio where you can admire Castel Vecchio, the largest and most impressive monument of the city after the Arena, fortified residence of the Scala family dating back to the fourteenth century. Straight to Corso Cavour, on the track of the ancient Via Postumia which in Roman times linked the Tyrrhenian to the Adriatic.Just after the castle on the left see, the

Gavi Arch, a rare example of Roman honorary arch dedicated to private citizens; it was originally located across the street and was moved to its present location by Napoleon, to allow easier passage to his troops. From the sixteenth century, the Corso Cavour became the favored place of large families of Verona, that one by one they built sumptuous palaces (Palazzo Canossa at number 44 – Palace MuselliPompei 42 – Carlotti Palace 2 – Palazzo Bevilacqua to 29 – only one of the major)

The church of San Lorenzo -court inside-and the church of the Holy Apostles on a square side, complete the scenic view. It runs through the course to Porta Borsari, a majestic Roman gate dating from the first century AD, during the imperial era was the main entrance within the city walls, the Decumano. In front of the door you turn left and you enter in via Diaz and, after passing the Victory Bridge, go along Lungadige Campagnola to Piazza Arsenale (great view from the opposite bank of the river, Castelvecchio with Ponte Scaligero). You follow the riverside Cangrande and Attiraglio to the suburban town of Parona.

Continuing on Highway Brenner, you get to Nassar. Before Football Pitch turn right and enter the City of Negrar, in Arbizzano town, for about a kilometer. Returning to Parona, the course passes under the tunnel, along Via Cà di Cozzi, then turn onto Ponte Saval, via Pancaldo and Viale Cristoforo Colombo, turning left. At the traffic lights turn right to Tomaso Da Vico, cross again the Adige on Ponte del Risorgimento to return through the riverside in Piazza Arsenale.

Still along Lungadige Campagnola and Ponte della Vittoria, back in via Diaz.

From here the participants of the Cangrande Half Marathon will come straight in via Oberdan and arrive in Piazza Bra, to the finish line.

The runners of Verona marathon retrace Corso Cavour to Castelvecchio, RigasteSan Zeno till to the holy church dedicated to the “black bishop”.

To the left along the venetian walls of Circonvallazione Maroncelli, Vi aScarsellin, Via Rosmini up to Corso Porta Palio. Again around the rinascimental building to Via Camuzzoni, Via San Marco, Via Manzoni. After crossing Corso Milano you run in Via Galvani up to the until the Chievo dam on the river: here you will turn left to the halfway point to retrace the riverside Attiraglio until Ponte Saval; turn left to Via Saval to Via Trento, straight to Via Mameli, Via Menotti and Via Bixio till to the river at Ponte Garibaldi.

Here turn left to pass St George church , cross again Adige river on Ponte Pietra, the Cathedral , Via Duomo, Via Forti Via Emilei close to Sant’Eufemia Church.

Back in Via Diaz, you pass under Borsari doors, Corso Portoni Borsari, Piazza Erbe Via Cairoli, Via Ponte Nuovo, across Ponte Nuovo pass next to the Church of St. Thomas in Via Carducci, Via Muro Padri , Via San Nazaro, 16 October Square, via 20 September, last river crossing to Stradone San Fermo where sits the beautiful church, one of the most interesting and original of the city, consisting of two churches connected and overlapping. Unique in the Romanesque style which blends harmoniously with the Gothic.

Stradone San Fermo continues in Stradone Maffei and the course will pass on the back of the Town Hall of Verona and Arena Wing to finish the race in Piazza .

And the story continues …


Course Map- 

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