Striking the Right Balance.

Striking the right BALANCE.

Table of Contents:

  • Why is striking the right balance in life so important?

  • What is Wellness?

  • What is the good description of Wellness?

  • What are the 7 components of Wellness?

  • What is the importance of Wellness?

  • What is Physical Wellness?

  • What is Physical Wellness? Why is it important?

  • 5Social benefits of Exercise no body knows ?

  • What are the spiritual benefits of Exercise?

  • What is mental Wellness? Why is it important

  • What are the 5 signs of Mental Wellness?

  • How can you prevent mental illness?

  • What are the main causes of poor mental health?

  • What are the 4 types of mental illness?

  • 10 things one should not say to someone with a mental illness

  • Why is mental fitness important?

  • What is the importance of emtional and mental illness?

  • Why is it important to be mentally strong

  • What are the benefits of being mentally healthy?

  • What are the 5 social benefits of exercising that might surprise you?

  • What are the spiritual benefits of exercise?

  • What are three mental benefits

Well, if you don’t strike the right balance in life, you might end up being a lopsided weirdo who has great career success but no friends, or lots of friends but lives in a van down by the river. Or worse, you might become a crazy cat lady or a guy who wears socks with sandals. So, to avoid being a social outcast or a fashion disaster, it’s important to find balance in life. Plus, you’ll have more time for fun, relaxation, and hobbies, which means you can finally become the world champion in competitive eating, or the world’s most successful couch potato. So, don’t be a weirdo or a fashion disaster, find balance in life and live your best life!

What is Wellness?

Wellness is synonymous of well-being.

It primarily means being in the pink of health ie is physically and mentally fit. Physical and mental health are closely related to each other. Its kind of related because improving your physical health directly impacts the mental health of the person. We are going to find out exactly how?

What is good description of Wellness?

Absence of illness does not mean you are fine.

You body gives you mutliples signals about your prospective diseases time and again. Its all about understanding your body well.

In understanding the difference between health and wellness, in short, health is a state of being, whereas wellness is the state of living a healthy lifestyle.

Living a  Healthy lifestyle means regularly exercising, eating good nutricious food, taking ample rest and fourth but not the least treating your weaknesses and injuries.

For example if you jog for 30 minutes daily you feel there is a nagging pain in your back and it gets worse while you run. Let understand running is a natural sport for humans.Our body is  designed for running naturally. If we feel a pain on any part of the body it means that part of the body is weak and its needs to be strenghthened.

You need to understand your heart rhythm, if you feel you are not in rhythm you need to stop and see a doctor. Regular medical tests are of utmost importance. The food we consume and the exercise we do the lifestyle and ofcourse the genes we have inherited from ur parents determines our health.

Every individual is diferent in terms of health body and mind fro each other. No two individuals are the same.

Some people have Type 2 diabetes which is genetically transfromed through your parents.

The good news is you can very well reverse the adverse effects of these diseases with few minor changes in diet and lifestyle.

How do you achieve that?

Good question!

The answer is very simple. You DNA does not lie. It has all your medical information you require to know about your health and well being.

It has the information which could help you determine any possible disease you could possibly have in future which you could alter with making slight changes to your food and lifestyle.

With the right diet and discipline diseases like cancer too can be reversed.

Did you know that?

I am sure you didn’t.

Its high time you keep yourself updated to the real facts about your health.

Let me tell you one funny fact about DNA Test.

You need to do this test just once in your life. You come to know your body inside out.

Let me share the case study of Tanisha. She is all of 23 years old as of today. She was this precoccious girl who lived life king size. She loved to play foot ball, loved to write got good drades in school in short she was a happy little girl.

Not so fast mister. this girl just had one issue with her life.

She was having a very debatable health issues. Her parents showed her to multiple doctors but tnone of them could determine what her problems was. She used to get diarhoea every now and then she was allergic to chocolates.  One fine day somebody told her parents about DNA test.

they got it done to reveal that their daughter was lactose intolerant this was causing her to have a stomach flu everytime she ate or drank milk or milk products like cheese, icecreams, coffee.

Finally as of today she continues to live life to the fullest , she is healthy as she could be just with a little tweak in her diet she is good to go.

Health refers to physical, mental, and social well-being; wellness aims to enhance well-being. … The difference is that wellness is always a matter of choice.

However the defination of wellness is optimal, health and vitality encompasing, physical,emotional,intellectual,spiritual,financial,social and occupational wellness.

Wellness lies in all the important aspects of an individuals life. It may be directly or indirectly related to an individual. In laymans terms. If an individual is not happy at work, obviously his financial wellbeing suffers, thus leading to his emotional wellness since he is not doing well at work hence financially he is going down so he gets disturbed mentally, if he is disturbed mentally he tends to affect his physical wellness once that happens you begin to fail badly socially that when you begin to question your spiritual beliefs. thus causing a complete disbalance in life.

Hence its important to strike the right balance.

What are the 7 components of Wellness?

There are in all 7 components of Wellness.

Striking the right balance with the 7 components of Wellness is of utmost importance.

Read ahead you will know exactly what I am referring to.

  • Physical Wellness.

  • Emotional Wellness.

  • Occupational Wellness.

  • Financial Wellness.

  • Social Wellness.

  • Spiritual Wellness.

  • Intellectual Wellness.

Physical Wellness

Physical Wellness literally means taking care of our body.

One word of caution. we have now understood the importance of following the path of Wellness.

Following the path of Wellness is difficult. But it is also a known fact that harsh roads leads to beautiful destinations.

Following the path of wellness is difficult.

Wellness is an ongoing journey and not a destination.

Once you achieve wellness you continue climbing the ladder of wellness.

If you feel wellness is difficult! Fine try Illness.

Once you have tasted the sweet nectar of wellness seldom you wouldwaver from your inner peace.

Its like achieving mental and physical Nirvana.

How do we achieve Wellness?

Our body is a very intelligent and sofisticated mechanism. It adapts to whatever adverse conditions you subject it to.

For example Jains, Muslims and people from various other faiths follow the month long fasting.

How do you think yourbody survives that condition.

Some fasts are too intense it involves no water intake as well.

How do you think they survive this adverse situation.

Answer is very simple I repeat my words our body is the most intelingent and  mechanism. Once our body realises that the intake of food is cut off it automatically goes in the fat storing stage where in our body consumes the enrgy stored in our fat conserves.

Similarly when you subject your body to exercise say a 30 minute walk. Initially it reacts but resisiting the change. Aches and pains once it is subject to the same regime daily it adapts. Initially you will realise that you breathe heavily despite just walking for 1 km. But over tha period of time your body adapts. You heart and lungs adapt to the pressure and thus your body gets accustomed to that routine. This is the time when you tweak your exercise and go for a slight jog. Everytime you change the routine your body reacts to it and eventually adapts.

Internally our body is a complicated network of blood vessels, nerves, muscle tendons, skin others organs etc. For the smoothe functioning of our body your heart should be very strong. When a person who has excess fat in his body his heart has to work harder to pump the blood to the rest of the body. When you exercise your heart walls get strenghthened and also side by side you end up burnin gthe excess fat. So your body goes into strenghthening and clensing mode at the same time.

Similarly your breathing improves. Blod circulation improves and mentally you feel happy because when you exercise you body releases a hormone called endorphins. Endorphins make you happy and alert.

So you will realise that you are more alert during the day. You become more productive, confident and happy at work. You begin to value every aspect in your life because you are more alert.

Exercise alone can do nothing. If you just exercise all day and then you eat all kinds of junk food it does not serve the purpose. You body needs fuel in the form of nutrients.

Once you start exercising you start taking care of your nutrition. You consult a doctor if you have any health issues you try to cut down on vices liek smoking and drinking if any.

You see people getting up well before sunrise to go for a run or cycling day in and day out. You might be watching them run long distance like 42 km, 50 km even 100 km do you think they have achieved that strength by runing over night.

Absolutely not! They have achieved that strength over a period of time with pure dedication, discipline and hardwork.

Their motivation is the sweet taste of wellness which they have achieved during their journey towards fitness.

We have seen how Exercise and diet play a major role in your health. Along with the above two elements there are two other important elements which is ot utmost importance for physical wellness. That would Rest and treatments.

Your body needs to recover from the impact of exercise. How does it do that. When you exercise you tend to sweat and tire your muscles. You replenish your body with hydration like water or health drinks and food to make up for the loss of electrolytes in your body. But your tired muscles need to be relaxed so that it could recover for the exercise the next day. So sleep is an important aspect of physical wellness. Sometimes during exercise you tend to get injured so you need to address that injury by going to the right doctore for consultation.  That is also an important aspect of physical wellness. To summarise the entire content Exercise, Nutrition, Hydration, Sleep and treatments are the most important elements of physical welness.

Physical wellness is impossible to achieve if you lack the mental strength to sustain this feat. Let us find out how?

Once you have tasted the sweet nectar of wellness seldom you wouldwaver from your inner peace.

Its like achieving mental and physical Nirvana.

How do we achieve Wellness?

Our body is a very intelligent and sofisticated mechanism. It adapts to whatever adverse conditions you subject it to.

For example Jains, Muslims and people from various other faiths follow the month long fasting.

How do you think yourbody survives that condition.

Some fasts are too intense it involves no water intake as well.

How do you think they survive this adverse situation.

Answer is very simple I repeat my words our body is the most intelingent and  mechanism. Once our body realises that the intake of food is cut off it automatically goes in the fat storing stage where in our body consumes the enrgy stored in our fat conserves.

Similarly when you subject your body to exercise say a 30 minute walk. Initially it reacts but resisiting the change. Aches and pains once it is subject to the same regime daily it adapts. Initially you will realise that you breathe heavily despite just walking for 1 km. But over tha period of time your body adapts. You heart and lungs adapt to the pressure and thus your body gets accustomed to that routine. This is the time when you tweak your exercise and go for a slight jog. Everytime you change the routine your body reacts to it and eventually adapts.

Internally our body is a complicated network of blood vessels, nerves, muscle tendons, skin others organs etc. For the smoothe functioning of our body your heart should be very strong. When a person who has excess fat in his body his heart has to work harder to pump the blood to the rest of the body. When you exercise your heart walls get strenghthened and also side by side you end up burnin gthe excess fat. So your body goes into strenghthening and clensing mode at the same time.

Similarly your breathing improves. Blod circulation improves and mentally you feel happy because when you exercise you body releases a hormone called endorphins. Endorphins make you happy and alert.

So you will realise that you are more alert during the day. You become more productive, confident and happy at work. You begin to value every aspect in your life because you are more alert.

Exercise alone can do nothing. If you just exercise all day and then you eat all kinds of junk food it does not serve the purpose. You body needs fuel in the form of nutrients.

Once you start exercising you start taking care of your nutrition. You consult a doctor if you have any health issues you try to cut down on vices liek smoking and drinking if any.

You see people getting up well before sunrise to go for a run or cycling day in and day out. You might be watching them run long distance like 42 km, 50 km even 100 km do you think they have achieved that strength by runing over night.

Absolutely not! They have achieved that strength over a period of time with pure dedication, discipline and hardwork.

Their motivation is the sweet taste of wellness which they have achieved during their journey towards fitness.

Physical wellness is impossible to achieve if you lack the mental strength to sustain this feat. Let us find out how?

5 Social benefits of exercise that might surprise you.

Exercise is a natural mood booster. For eg If you run daily you see another person running. Its a natural tendency to smile and acknowlege the person because both of you follow a common interest which is running. Intially you may not know the person well. You may not know anything about the person. But the fact that both of you share a common interest that gives you the free will to go and make friends with the person. Running or any other form of exercise naturally leads to release of happy hormones in your  body so you are ingeneral calm, more alert and find like minded people. So you bond better and thus leading to a strong friendship. In the matter of the heart it dosent matter what faith you follow or what sex do you belong to of what financial background you come from. When you are out on the street runing , or in the gym pumping weights, we are are all one.

  • It makes you more reliable.
  • It helps you find like minded people.
  • It improves your memory.
  • It makes you a happier friend.
  • It can help you adjust to new surroundings.
  • It also brings about communal harmony.

What are the spiritual benefits of exercise?

Body Mind and Spirit : Benefits of exercise.

when you excercise its a general tendency of the body to release endorphins. These are Happy hormones. They make you feel happy and alert.

SInce you are naturally happy and alert you are more alert and productive at work. You become likeable because your presence brings in a lot of positivity into the place you are in. Thus influencing others to follow your path of wellness. That is the biggest gift you could give anyone. The person who gets influenced by you will always bless you with good wishes all his life.

Happy and alert peopleare seldom alone. Hence they do not feel lonely or depressed. You are more confident in life because you know you are healthy within.

You are less irritable and you end up making people around you happy.

So you attain the level of peace which you would otherwise never experience.

What are the mental Benefits of Exercise.

The psychological benefits of exercise.

  • Help for depression and anxiety. Exercise is a scientifically proven mood booster, decreasing symptoms of both depression and self confidence.
  • Better sleep.
  • Brain boost.
  • More productive at work.
  • More alert.
  • Now your approach towards life is very different.
  • You dont get stressed due to problems. You deal with problems like an opportunity to get stronger .
  • Ultimately attain the level of maturity and peace to withstand any obstacle that comes your way. The above mentioned qualities are classic signs of a mentally strong person.

What is Emotional Wellness? Why is it important?

Emotional wellness is the capability of a person to handle emotional and mental stress.

Being emotionally in other words mentally strong plays a very big part in physical wellness too.

Emotional health includes our mental,psychological and social well-being.

It affects how we think feel and act. It also helps determine how we handle stress,relate to others and make health choices.

Mental health is important at every stage of life.

How do you describe Emotional Wellness?

Emotional wellness is a positive state of emotional health.

An emotionally strong person sees opportunity in every adversity. They dont shy away from making mistakes. They dont mind getting their hands dirty in a wil to learn something new. They dont shy away from admitting if they dont understand a particular topic.

They dont shy away from learning ever.

They are always maitain a positive attitude even in the middle of struggle.

They are natural born leaders. They are good team leadersas well. They dont shy away from applauding someones success. Similarly they celebrate even the smallest of their little wars won.

Its is more than the absence of Emotional illness. Being mentally well means that your mind is in order and functioning in your best interest.

you are able to think,feel and act in ways that create a positive impact on your physical and social well-being.

What are the 5 signs of Emotional illness?

The five main warning signs of mental illness are as follows.

  • Excessive paranoia, worry or anxiety.
  • Longlasting sadness and irritability.
  • Extrem changes in moods.
  • Social withdrawl.
  • Dramatic changes in eating or sleeping pattern.

The classic example of an emotionally weak person is the person who is not comfortable in thier own skin. They seldom talk or socialise with others. They suffer from low self esteem. They are individuals who can cry at the drop of a hat. Throw tantrums for trivial issues something as trivial as no sugar in coffee. Constantly paranoid or throwing tantrums to gain attention and sympathy.  These are the classic examples of emotionally weak personalities.

How can I improve your Emotional Wellness

  • Get atleast eith hours of sleep a day.
  • Eat healthy and nutritious food.
  • Keep yourself active.
  • Interact with others.
  • Pick up a new skill or hobby.
  • Get a mental workout.
  • Do something good for others.
  • Learn to manage stress.

What are the main causes of poor mental health?

  • Child abuse, trauma or neglect.
  • Social isolation or loneliness.
  • Experiencing discrimination and stigma.
  • Social disadvantages poverty or debt.
  • Bereavement (Losing someone close to you.)
  • Severe or long term stress.
  • Having a long term physical, health condition.
  • Unemployment or losing your job.

What are the 4 types of Emotional illness.

  • Types of Emotional illness.
  • Mood disorders (such as depression or bipolar  disorder).
  • Anxiety disorders.
  • Personality disorders.
  • Psychotic disorders (such as schizophrenia.)
  • Eating disorders.
  • Trauma related disorders(such as post traumatic stress.)
  • Substance abuse disorders.

10 things one should not to say to someone with an Emotional Illness

  • It’s all in your head.
  • Come on things could be worse.
  • Snap out of it.
  • But you have a great ife you always seem so happy.
  • Have you tried chamomile tea?
  • Everyone is a little down/moody/OCD sometimes it’s normal.
  • This too shall pass.
  • It’s all part of God’s plan.
  • Just try to be positive.
  • Suicide is so selfish.

What are the benefits of being Emotionally healthy?

  • Reduction in anxiety.
  • Improved moods.
  • Clearer thinking.
  • A greater sense of calm on inner peace.
  • Increased self -esteem.
  • Reduced risk of depression.
  • Imporved relationaships.

What is Financial Wellness?

Financial wellness refers to the “overall financial health of an individual” and is sometimes used interchangeably with financial well-being. Employee financial wellness programs are work-placed programs that both “access and support” the financial wellness of employees.

Financial wellness (or financial wellbeing) refers to a person’s overall financial health and the absence of money-related stress. It’s the result of successful expense management. Financial wellness is an important part of overall employee wellbeing which consists of physical, mental, and financial wellness.

What is financial wellness and why is it important?

Financial wellness refers to having a happy, healthy, and relatively stress-free relationship with your finances. … They have savings for emergencies or financial upsets such as critical home repairs, unexpected medical bills, or job loss. They are saving and working toward long-term financial goals.
What is the goal of financial wellness?

The ultimate goal of a financial wellness program is to increase your employee’s overall financial health. However, a balance of specific short-term and long-term goals are needed to help your employees balance today’s stressors with tomorrow’s needs. These goals need to be specific, as well as measurable.
According to the CFPB, financial wellness is defined as: “A state of being wherein you have control over day-to-day, month-to-month finances; have the capacity to absorb a financial shock; are on track to meet your financial goals; and have the financial freedom to make the choices that allow you to enjoy life.”
Why is financial wellness so important?

Why is financial wellness important? Financial wellness is critical for all people because it can help lower your stress levels. Stress related to money can affect every aspect of your life. Your personal and professional productivity could potentially suffer due to financial worry.
What is employee financial wellness?

Financial wellness programs help employees reduce money-related stress and budget better. More specifically, financial wellness programs help employees increase their asset-building finances. Programs do this by offering courses on homeownership, retirement account growth, debt reduction, and more.
What is intellectual wellness and why is it important?

Why is Intellectual Wellness Important? Intellectual wellness encourages learning. It is important to explore new ideas and understandings in order to become more mindful and better-rounded. Having an optimal level of intellectual wellness inspires exploration.
What is intellectual wellness in your own words?

Intellectual wellness refers to active participation in scholastic, cultural, and community activities. It is important to gain and maintain intellectual wellness because it expands knowledge and skills in order to live a stimulating, successful life.
Why is intellectual wellness so important?

Intellectual wellness is important because it helps people achieve a more balanced life. Exploring new ideas and understanding a variety of subjects makes you more mindful and a more well-rounded person. … So when you seek out new experiences and gain new knowledge, you are expanding your intellectual wellness.
What is mental and intellectual wellness?

Intellectual wellness means striving toward good mental health, continued intellectual growth, and creativity in life. This can include continued learning, practicing problem solving, improving verbal skills, keeping abreast of social and political issues, and reading books, magazines, and newspapers.
What are the benefits of intellectual activity?

Keep Your Mind Active. Being intellectually engaged may benefit the brain. People who engage in personally meaningful activities, such as volunteering or hobbies, say they feel happier and healthier. Learning new skills may improve your thinking ability, too.
What are some intellectual abilities?

Memory, comprehension, reasoning, analyzing, and problem solving are examples of intellectual skills that companies desire for their workers. Strength, stamina, coordination, psychomotor, and sensory skills are the top elements needed for physical work.
Is intellectual health the same as mental health?

Mental illness, also known as mental health disorder or behavioral health disorder, is not the same as Intellectual Disability. Mental health disorders affect mood, thought processes or behavior and can manifest in anyone at any time in their life.
What is your intellectual strength?

Intellectual Strength

Strength on an intellectual level is developed by learning new things and thinking. A person who is learning new things and is able to apply them to his life is intellectually strong. Ability in math, art, science or any area of study is referred to as intellectual strength.
What is intellectual skills in learning?

Intellectual skills refer to the ways of thinking and problem-solving used by professionals in a field. A general intellectual skill that is important to all fields of study is critical thinking.
What are three intellectual skills?

The categories of intellectual skills were comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. In the study of these skills, comprehension has been the focus of research on reading, while problem solving has been considered primarily the domain of application.
What are some examples of intellectual strengths?

Some examples of strengths you might mention include:

  • Enthusiasm.
  • Trustworthiness.
  • Creativity.
  • Discipline.
  • Patience.
  • Respectfulness.
  • Determination.
  • Dedication.

10 things you didnt know about Egypt

Social wellness refers to the relationships we have and how we interact with others. Our relationships can offer support during difficult times. Social wellness involves building healthy, nurturing, and supportive relationships as well as fostering a genuine connection with those around you.

What is social wellness and why is it important?  The reason why social wellness is so important is that people who have healthy relationships, and a strong social network tend to live longer and respond better to stress. This reduction in stress and anxiety results in a healthier endocrine system, healthier cardiovascular functioning and an enhanced immune system.What is social wellness in simple words?  Social Wellness is having positive connections with friends, family, professors, coaches, supervisors, and anyone else.What is an example of a social wellness goal?  Take a cooking, writing, art, music, or computer class. Take a class in yoga, tai chi, or another new physical activity. Join a choral group, theater troupe, band, or orchestra. Help with gardening at a community garden or park.What are some signs of social wellness?  What are some signs of social wellness?

  • Development of assertiveness skills not passive or aggressive ones.
  • Balancing social and personal time.
  • The ability to be who you are in all situations.
  • Becoming engaged with other people in your community.
  • Valuing diversity and treat others with respect.

How can I improve my social well-being?   Image result To cultivate your habits of social wellness, follow these seven guidelines:

  1. Practice Self-Care. …
  2. Know Thyself. …
  3. Don’t Criticize, Judge or Blame. …
  4. Own Up to Your Part. …
  5. Rekindle old friendships and nurture relationships with people who are respectful, positive and supportive. …
  6. Don’t be a flake! …
  7. Appreciate Yourself and Others.

How do I take care of my social wellness?  5 Steps to Improve Social Wellness

  1. Surround yourself with good people. A strong support system has a positive influence on your overall well-being. …
  2. Practice self-care. …
  3. Engage in hobbies and extracurriculars. …
  4. Stick to a healthy routine. …
  5. Continue working on better communication.

What are the 4 steps to social media wellness?   Image result Social Media can become an essential tool to augment a communication strategy. However, in order for social media to pull the weight you need, there are four steps that need to be followed. These steps include: 1) Know your consumer, 2) Set your target, 3) Execute a plan, 4) Monitor.What does social health involve?  Social health is the ability of individuals to form healthy and rewarding interpersonal relationships with others. Good social health looks like: Adapting to social situations. Staying true to yourself in all situations. Balancing your social and personal time.What is an example of bad social health?   Image result LonelinessLoneliness can both cause and be caused by poor social health. Those who are lonely either lack relationships or lack the ability to adequately connect within those relationships. While many people feel lonely from time to time, chronic loneliness can have severe impacts on both mental and physical health.What are bad social habits?  Not paying attention to the people you care about most. Constantly fishing for compliments. De-Emphasizing compliments with self-effacing remarks. Cutting people off mid-sentence.“Basically social wellness is the relationships you have and how you interact within them. … “One of those ways of self-care is seeking out positive relationships that are reciprocal, and having healthy boundaries and good communication within those relationships – that’s a big part of social wellness.”What are social wellness activities?  To increase your social wellbeing, consider the following activities:

  • Keeping regular contact with your friends.
  • Spending quality time with your loved ones.
  • Engaging in volunteer work.
  • Taking classes at a local community center.
  • Joining a group based on your interests.
  • Celebrating your traditions and culture

Occupational Wellness

Occupational wellness Occupational Wellness means choosing professions that provide a feeling of purpose and productivity. This means acknowledging our talents and skills and the opportunity to achieve personal satisfaction through our work.How can you improve occupational wellness?  Ways to enhance this dimension:

Develop positive relationships with colleagues and supervisorsDevelop a supportive network of peers and colleaguesSeek out learning opportunities to develop new skillsUtilize benefits, resources, and time off provided by your employer.How does occupational wellness affect you?  Occupational wellness ensures that you are satisfied with what you do and inspired to achieve bigger success. … One important aspect of occupational wellness is work-life balance; it is crucial for both your mental and physical health to have a healthy balance.What are the elements of occupational wellness?  Incorporating the six elements of well-being into your workplace.

  • Physical. When employees physically feel better, they are more likely to perform better at work. …
  • Career. …
  • Financial. …
  • Social. …
  • Community. …
  • Emotional.

What is occupational wellness goal?  Occupational wellness is the ability to achieve a balance between work and leisure in a way that promotes health, a sense of personal satisfaction and is (for most people) financially rewarding.What are the advantages of occupational wellness?  It will improve productivity as healthy worker tend to do more work with their ideas and mental ability. It increases workers enthusiasm by providing them supportive and happier environment. It improves job satisfaction among workers and staff and creates more happier and loyal employees.What is occupational wellness and why is it important?  Your attitude about work is a crucial influence for occupational development. Occupational wellness allows you to explore various career options and encourages you to pursue the opportunities you enjoy the most. This dimension of wellness recognizes the importance of satisfaction, enrichment and meaning through work.What is the occupational dimension of wellness?  Occupational Dimension

Occupational/Vocational wellness involves preparing and making use of your gifts, skills, and talents in order to gain purpose, happiness, and enrichment in your life. The development of occupational satisfaction and wellness is related to your attitude about your work.Why occupational health is important?  Occupational safety deals with all aspects of physical, mental and social health and safety in a workplace. It is the umbrella for company’s efforts to prevent injuries and hazards in all work environments. … Milder hazards include challenges in ergonomics, workloads, mental capacity and general well-being of employees.What are the principles of occupational health?   Image result For occupational health services, the following functional principles are recognized; prevention and promotion; adaptation and adjustment of working conditions to the worker; rehabilitation; curative services and acute response (first aid and emergency response).What are the three main pillars of occupational health?  The paper also reveals that OHS has three pillars similar to sustainability; Economy, Environment and Society.What is the meaning of occupational safety?  Occupational safety focuses mainly on preventing injuries to personnel that can result from incidents associated with the job they perform in the workplace. Requirements and regulations for this were established in the United States in 1970 through the Occupational Safety and Health Act.What is an occupational risk factor?  Occupational risk factors include: asbestos (larynx), wood dusts (nasal cavity, nasal sinuses, nasopharynx and larynx), nickel (maxillary sinus) and pesticides (larynx).What are risk factors of occupational health?  Work and workplace hazards are known to compromise the health of workers and represent a significant national financial, social, medical, and emotional burden, but health is also affected by an array of individual risk factors such as genetics, age, gender, obesity, smoking, alcohol use, and the use of prescription ..What is an occupational health risk assessment?  Risk assessments are part of the risk management process and are included in the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations. A risk assessment is the process of identifying what hazards currently exist or may appear in the workplace.What are the four categories of occupational health hazard?  Occupational Hazards: 4 Main Types of Occupational Hazards – Explained!

  • Chemical Hazards: …
  • Biological Hazards: …
  • Environmental Hazards: …
  • Psychological Hazards:

What are the sources of occupational hazards?

  • Inhalation, ingestion and skin absorption of material hazardous to health (including aerosols and particulates)
  • Use of flammable and explosive materials.
  • Lack of oxygen (asphyxia)
  • Presence of corrosive substances.
  • Reactive/unstable substances.
  • Presence of sensitizers.

How can occupational hazards be prevented?   Image result Select controls according to a hierarchy that emphasizes engineering solutions (including elimination or substitution) first, followed by safe work practices, administrative controls, and finally personal protective equipment. Avoid selecting controls that may directly or indirectly introduce new hazards.

Spiritual Wellness.

Spiritual wellness involves finding your life’s meaning and purpose and understanding the values, beliefs, and morals that guide your actions. Spiritual wellness is not: Spiritual wellness is: Being a deeply religious person. … Committing to your life purpose, values, and faith

What is spiritual wellness examples?

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Many of the behaviors associated with overall wellness are key components of spiritual wellness. Examples include volunteering, being positive and optimistic, contributing to society, connecting with others, feeling a sense of belonging and practicing self-care.What is spiritual wellness and why is it important?  Spiritual wellness means having personal values and beliefs and acting compassionately in accordance with those values: Personal values and beliefs may change throughout the course of a lifetime, taking shape through the influence of relationships, events and personal experiences.How can I improve my spiritual wellness?  8 ways to boost your spiritual health

  1. Connect with your faith community. According to a Gallup study, 43% of Americans say they belong to a church or other religious body. …
  2. Volunteer or help others. …
  3. Practice yoga. …
  4. Meditate. …
  5. Keep a journal. …
  6. Spend time in nature. …
  7. Focus on your hobbies. …
  8. Speak with a chaplain or someone you trust.

What are three characteristics of spiritual wellness?  The basic characteristics of spiritual health are as follows: proper lifestyle, connection with others, asking about the meaning and purpose of life, and transcendenceHow is spiritual wellness defined?  Definition. Spiritual wellness is defined as expanding a sense of purpose and meaning in life, including one’s morals and ethics.How does spiritual health promote wellness?  Some research shows a connection between your beliefs and your sense of well being. Positive beliefs, comfort, and strength gained from religion, meditation, and prayer can contribute to well being. It may even promote healing. Improving your spiritual health may not cure an illness, but it may help you feel better.Why spiritual wellness is important?  Spiritual wellness acknowledges our search for deeper meaning in life. When we’re spiritually healthy, we feel more connected to not only a higher power, but to those around us. We have more clarity when it comes to making everyday choices, and our actions become more consistent with our beliefs and values.What is the difference between spiritual and mind wellness?  Mental health is not only the absence of depression, anxiety, or another disorder. … Spiritual Health- Spiritual Wellness is a personal matter involving values and beliefs that provide a purpose in our lives.What is a healthy spiritual life?  Many of the behaviors associated with wellness are key components of a healthy spiritual life. Examples include volunteerism, social responsibility, optimism, contributing to society, connectedness with others, feeling of belonging/being part of a group, and love of self/reason to care for self.How do you awaken spiritually?  Practical Ways to Have a Spiritual Awakening

  1. Declutter! Start by making room! …
  2. Examine your beliefs. Be conscious of and intentional about what you believe. …
  3. Expand your mind. Explore new ideas and differing beliefs. …
  4. Go outside. There is energy and spirit and magic in the outdoors. …
  5. Take care of yourself. …
  6. Learn to let go.

Seven Ways to Improve Your Spiritual Health

  1. Explore your spiritual core. By exploring your spiritual core, you are simply asking yourself questions about the person you are and your meaning. …
  2. Look for deeper meanings. …
  3. Get it out. …
  4. Try yoga. …
  5. Travel. …
  6. Think positively. …
  7. Take time to meditate.

What is the spiritual dimension?  The spiritual dimension is described and is interpreted as the need for: meaning, purpose and fulfillment in life; hope/will to live; belief and faith.What is your spiritual path?  Your spiritual journey is something that is very personal to yourself, regardless of what you believe in when it comes to everything else in life. For many, following a spiritual path is like searching for something that makes them complete.What is a spiritual wellness coach?  A spiritual coach, also called a spiritual life coach, explores the deeper connections between people and the Universe. … Through their work, a spiritual coach will use various healing tools to support their clients’ journeys. They act as a guide to unleashing self-trust and compassion in another person.What is the example of spiritual self?  Spiritual self care does not have to be religious, although for some it is. Examples: Meditation, yoga, going to a place of worship, be in nature, dedicate time for self-reflection, etc.What’s the difference between spiritually and mentally?  Mental (or mentally) means anything to do with the brain and thinking. Ex: after a long day of classes, the students were mentally drained. Spiritually (or spirituality) means anything to do with your spirit, soul, God, religion and things that like. Ex: many people say that travelling is spiritually good for you.What is the difference between spiritual and emotional?  Spiritual and Emotional are two types of mental behavioral changes in man that show some differences between them. Emotions are nothing but feelings related to worldly life. On the other hand, spiritual are feelings related to unearthly or unworldly life. … Emotional is related to the physical body.21 signs and symptoms of a spiritual awakening.

  • You feel disconnected or detached.
  • You’ve reevaluated your beliefs. …
  • Your dreams are more vivid. …
  • You experience more synchronicities and déjà vu. …
  • Your relationships begin to shift. …
  • You feel spirituality becoming an important part of your life. …
  • You’re more intuitive.

How do we live spiritually in God?  5 Ways to Strengthen Your Relationship with God

  1. Humble Yourself and Pray. Prayer is more than reciting words. …
  2. Read and Study Your Bible. Think of your Bible as a handbook. …
  3. Join a Group of Like-Minded Believers. …
  4. Do for Others. …
  5. Seek Out Your Spiritual Gifts.

How do you recognize a spiritual person?

  1. You have no fears. Fearlessness is the first sign of a spiritual person. …
  2. You see things as they are. …
  3. You don’t speak ill of others or gossip. …
  4. You are loving and kind. …
  5. You believe that the soul is eternal. …
  6. You meditate. …
  7. You feel your life has a purpose. …
  8. You take care of your mental and physical health.

How do you know you are spiritually gifted?  They often feel the urge to put their hands on things to help or heal them. Auras and energy are often seen. Dreams are especially vivid. They understand the spiritual teachings of Jesus, Buddha, and other deities, and you don’t know where they got their knowledge from.How do you know if you are having a spiritual awakening?  Frequent overwhelming episodes of appreciation. A tendency to think and act spontaneously rather than from fears based on past experience. An unmistakable ability to enjoy each moment. A loss of ability to worry.How do I become a spiritual beginner?  A Beginner’s Guide to Exploring Spirituality

  1. Respect those that have gone before. …
  2. Your journey must be your own. …
  3. Start right where you are. …
  4. Ask God for help. …
  5. Practice, practice, practice. …
  6. Don’t be afraid of unanswered questions. …
  7. Be wary of “everyone is right” thinking.

How do you connect with someone spiritually?  How to Grow More Spiritually Connected to Your Partner

  1. Commit to something higher. …
  2. Be what you want in a partner. …
  3. Cleanse yourselves of past relationships. …
  4. Recognize change and use it to grow. …
  5. Cultivate a daily meditation practice. …
  6. Get physical every day. …
  7. Face your demons — individually and together.

What are the 7 spiritual dimensions?


Seven is a free program from Health Promotion and Wellness for students, faculty, and staff that focuses on the importance of the seven dimensions of wellness: emotional, environmental, intellectual, physical , and vocational.

What is your spiritual self?  Your Spiritual Self is you in your most beautiful and powerful form. It is the authentic self, the unconditioned part, the you without patterns. This is personal for each of us, so no need to get caught up on the language. … On your Process you got to know this part of yourself, as we call it, your Spiritual Self.How do I find my spiritual purpose in life?

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Finding a spiritual purpose is not so much about finding the meaning of life, but rather about becoming your best self as you move through life. You can find your higher purpose in life through many different pathways, including meditation and prayer, personal reflection and practicing spiritual wellnessWhat are the 5 roles of the spiritual self?

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In describing the spiritual/self-management connection nine themes emerged: 1) God: the healer, 2) God: the enabler through doctors, 3) faith in God, 4) prayer as a mediator, 5) spirituality as a coping mechanism, 6) combining traditional medicine and spiritual practices, 7) selected spiritual practices of self-care,What are the spiritual symbols?

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Here’s an overview of the meanings and history of some of the most common spiritual symbols to help you integrate them into your own practice meaningfully and respectfully:

  • Om.
  • Lotus flower.
  • Hamsa.
  • Buddha.
  • Mandala.
  • Evil eye.
  • The chakras.
  • Namaste.

Does God want us to enjoy life?

Yes, God Wants Us to Enjoy Life!

God wants us to enjoy people, the fruit of our labor, peace, favor, food and drink, safety, and even wealth and honor. He NEVER states that these things are out of our reach, or that we shouldn’t have them.

How do I know God’s plan for my life?   Image result Following God’s Plan for Your Life:

  1. Be in prayer. A way to know that you are following God’s plan for your life is by being in prayer. …
  2. Be actively reading in the Word. …
  3. Follow the commands He puts on your heart. …
  4. Seek a godly community. …
  5. Obey the Truth.

What are the qualities of a spiritual person?  In this article we have discussed twelve essential qualities of a spiritual person. These are: positive thinking, inner peace, egoless, unconditional love, optimism, harmony, humility, responsibility, compassion, justice, simplicity, and reciprocity.Why do I feel spiritually connected to someone?  It’s a sign you’re spiritually connected with someone when you feel a familiarity that can only come from knowing someone for ages. … You feel this familiarity because it’s built-up energy from other lifetimes together, which is why it feels like you already know them—it might be because you actually do.What are the 3 elements of spirituality?  The shamans, healers, sages, and wisdom keepers of all times, all continents, and all peoples, in their ageless wisdom, say that human spirituality is composed of three aspects: relationships, values, and life purpose.What is the spiritual dimension?  The spiritual dimension is described and is interpreted as the need for: meaning, purpose and fulfillment in life; hope/will to live; belief and faith.What are the five dimensions of spiritual intelligence?  Believe that SI is an ultimate intelligence and its components are: honesty, compassion, and respect to all level of consciousness, mutual sympathy, and forgiveness. 5 Amram and Dryer 2008 5 dimensions: Consciousness, Transcendence, Grace, Meaning and Truth.Why is spiritual wellness important?  Spiritual wellness acknowledges our search for deeper meaning in life. When we’re spiritually healthy, we feel more connected to not only a higher power, but to those around us. We have more clarity when it comes to making everyday choices, and our actions become more consistent with our beliefs and values.

5 thoughts on “Striking the Right Balance.

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