IRONMAN and World Triathlon (formerly ITU) continue working towards global rule harmonization.
The IRONMAN Competition Rules govern all IRONMAN and IRONMAN 70.3 triathlon race competitions and are based primarily on the World Triathlon Competition Rules; however, differences in the rules do exist.
The World Triathlon Competition Rules may be used by athletes as guidance when necessary only when
the IRONMAN Competition Rules are silent on a specific rule or area.
Section 1.01 PURPOSE
To provide a consistent set of competition rules (“Competition Rules”) for all IRONMAN® and
IRONMAN® 70.3®-branded triathlon race competitions (the “Races” and together with all
programs, activities, ceremonies, receptions, and exhibitions authorized by IRONMAN in connection
with the Races (the “Events”)).
Section 1.02 INTENTION
Competition Rules are intended to:
(a) Facilitate fair play, equality, and sportsmanship;
(b) Support ingenuity and skill without unduly limiting athletes; and
(c) Penalize athletes who gain an unfair advantage or seek to gain.
(a) “Event Director” or “Race Director” is the person appointed by IRONMAN to be in
charge of the Event;
(b) “Global Director of Rules and Officiating” is the person appointed by IRONMAN to
supervise rules and officiating for all Races;
(c) “Head Referee” is the person appointed by IRONMAN to be in charge of rule
enforcement for the Race;
(d) “Head Timer” is the person appointed by IRONMAN to be in charge of timing for the
(e) “Race Officials” are each person appointed by IRONMAN to manage and/or
supervise the Event; and
(f) “Race Referees” are the Head Referee, and each person appointed by the Head
Referee to enforce rules for the Race.
Section 1.04 EXCEPTIONS
(a) Competition Rules may vary from venue to venue due to certain sanctioning
requirements, laws, local ordinances, and/or Racecourse surroundings;
(b) Event-specific Athlete Information Guides will provide further guidance to athletes
and will specifically address any Competition Rule exceptions (if any) for each Event
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(c) Competition Rules specifically applicable to the Physically Challenged (“PC”) Open
Divisions are set forth in Article VIII; and
(d) Competition Rules specifically applicable to the Handcycle (“HC”) Division is set
forth in Article IX.
The Events are the exclusive property of World Triathlon Corporation (“WTC”), WTC’s subsidiaries,
and, with respect to certain Events that are licensed by WTC to third-party licensees, WTC’s
authorized third-party licensees (collectively, “IRONMAN”). IRONMAN owns all rights associated
with the Events, including, without limitation, the rights to organize, exploit (commercially or noncommercially), broadcast, and reproduce the Events. IRONMAN’s rights include but are not
limited to any type of digital media, whether photographic, audio or video in nature, captured in
connection with any Event or venue (including, without limitation, the Racecourse) and regardless
of the ownership of the capturing device. All personal data provided by athletes or spectators for each
Event and the data produced from the Event (including, without limitation, the Race results) are
the exclusive property of IRONMAN.
Section 1.06 PRIZE MONEY
(a) Prize Money is only available for professional triathletes who, at the start of the
Race, are members in good standing of the IRONMAN Pro Membership program
(“Pro Members”);
(b) When prize money is available for any Event, no restrictive rules or conditions that
have the effect of impeding performance may be placed upon any one category of
Pro Members, unless such rules or conditions are imposed equally upon all those Pro
Members who are eligible for prize money;
(c) Prize money for any Event shall be offered equally between Pro Member males and
females in both amount and depth. For each placing where prize money is offered
for one gender, including any bonus for a swim, bike, or run placement, there must
be a corresponding and equal place for the other gender offering the same amount
of prize money;
(d) Where the depth of prize places exceeds the number of Pro Member official
finishers in either gender, that portion of prize money designated for the places for
which there are no Pro Member official finishers will not be distributed; and
(e) Pro Members and other professional triathletes are not eligible to receive age group awards, and age-group athletes are not eligible to receive prize money.
All age-group athletes must participate and compete in the age-group division corresponding to
the athlete’s age as of December 31 of the year of the Event.
Each athlete must:
(a) Practice good sportsmanship at all times;
(b) Be responsible for his/her own safety and the safety of others, including without
limitation ensuring that no person contracted by the athlete, representing the
athlete, or associated with the athlete, engages in any conduct on or near the race
course or venue that, in the opinion of IRONMAN or Race Officials, (i) the athlete is
aware of and (ii) creates an unreasonable risk of injury or damage to any other
athlete, spectator, Race staff, bystander, another person, or any property (for
example, the athlete engaging a videographer to follow him/her along any part of
the course);
(c) Know, understand, and follow all Competition Rules, as stated herein, in the Event-specific Athlete Information Guide, and at the Event-specific athlete briefings;
(d) Obey traffic regulations and instructions from Race Officials;
(e) Treat referees, officials, volunteers, spectators, the public, and other athletes with
respect and courtesy;
(f) Obey laws and local ordinances and avoid any type of demonstration of political,
religious, or racial propaganda. Failure to obey laws or local ordinances and/or
failure to refrain from the demonstration will result in disqualification;
(g) Avoid the use of abusive language;
(h) In the event of a withdrawal, the athlete is responsible for promptly informing a Race
Official after withdrawing from the Race. Failing to do so may result in temporary
suspension or permanent expulsion from other Events;
(i) Compete without receiving assistance from other parties (other than from Race
Referees, Race Officials, and other athletes by Section 2.02).
Receiving assistance (other than by Section 2.02) will result in
(j) Not dispose of trash or equipment on the course except at aid stations or other
designated trash-disposal points. Intentional or careless littering will result in a time
penalty or disqualification;
(k) Not gain or attempt to gain an unfair advantage from any external vehicle, person,
or object;
(l) Do Not use any device that will distract the athlete from paying full attention to their
surroundings. Using a device in a distracting manner will result in disqualification.
(m) Only use equipment that meets or exceeds the standards of a reputable safety
standards organization (such as CPSC, CE EN1078, AS/NZS 2063, ISO, or other equally
reputable safety standards organizations) and is in good condition.
(n) Follow the prescribed course. It is the athlete’s responsibility to know the
course. Athletes must cover the prescribed course in its entirety. Failure to do so
will result in disqualification. If an athlete must exit the course, he or she shall reenter the course at the same point of departure before continuing. In the event of
a conflict between directions given to an athlete and the prescribed course, the
prescribed course prevails. In the case of a pre-event official modification to the
prescribed course, the modification becomes the new prescribed course and will be
communicated to all athletes before the event start.
(o) Avoid indecent exposure and public nudity at all times during the Event. Indecent
exposure and/or public nudity may result in disqualification.
Section 2.02 ASSISTANCE
(a) Assistance provided by Race Referees or Race Officials (including official Event
volunteers) is allowed, but such assistance is limited to providing drinks, nutrition,
mechanical and medical assistance, and other necessary assistance (as may be
approved by the Event Director or Head Referee).
(b) Athletes competing in the same Race may assist each other with incidental items
such as, but not restricted to: nutrition and drinks after an aid station, pumps, tires,
inner tubes, and puncture repair kits;
(c) Athletes may not provide essential race equipment to other athletes in the same
competition while the competition is in progress. Specifically, items that may not
be provided to other athletes include but is not restricted to complete bicycles,
bicycle frames, wheels, helmets, and shoes. The penalty for this will be
disqualification of both athletes; and
(d) Unless otherwise pre-approved by the Event Director or Head Referee, no athlete
shall intentionally cause the physical forward progress of another athlete on any part
of the course during the Race. The penalty for this will be a disqualification.
Section 2.03 ANTI-DOPING
(a) Each athlete acknowledges notice of the Anti-Doping Rules (as such term is defined
below), and acknowledges that he/she is bound by, confirms he/she shall comply
with, and voluntarily consents to all provisions of the Anti-Doping Rules.
(i) “Anti-Doping Rules” means all anti-doping rules adopted by IRONMAN
including, without limitation, the World Anti-Doping Code (the “WADA Code”),
the International Standards as published by the World Anti-Doping Agency
(“WADA”), including, without limitation, the List of Prohibited Substances and
Prohibited Methods (the “Prohibited List”), and all other rules, policies, and/or
procedures adopted by IRONMAN.
(b) Each athlete acknowledges that IRONMAN’s Anti-Doping Rules may be amended
from time to time and at any time by IRONMAN without notice to athlete other than,
as the case may be, posting such amendments under the domain;
(c) Each athlete acknowledges that the WADA Code and International Standards,
including WADA’s Prohibited List, which may be amended from time to time and at any
time by WADA without notice to athlete other than, as the case may be, posting
such amendments on WADA’s website under the domain;
(d) Each athlete is personally responsible for knowing what constitutes a violation of the
Anti-Doping Rules (including, without limitation, what substances and methods are
included on the Prohibited List), and for monitoring and ensuring his/her own
compliance with the Anti-Doping Rules. Certain medications, supplements,
common beverages and other “over-the-counter” or otherwise legal products may
contain Prohibited Substances;
(e) Each athlete is required to inform applicable third parties (e.g., including, without
limitation, Athlete Support Personnel including a coach, trainer, medical or
paramedical personnel, or family member) of athlete’s obligations under the AntiDoping Rules (including, without limitation,
(i) restrictions against the use of
prohibited substances and prohibited methods, and
(ii) it is the athlete’s
responsibility to make sure that any medical treatment received does not violate the
Anti-Doping Rules); and
(f) Any athlete using or intending to use a Prohibited Substance or Prohibited Method
for a legitimate medical reason, must seek a Therapeutic Use Exemption (“TUE”)
from their National Anti-Doping Organization (“NADO”) or Regional Anti-Doping
Organization (“RADO“) as provided in WADA’s International Standard for
Therapeutic Use Exemptions.
(g) No Athlete who has been declared Ineligible or is subject to a Provisional Suspension
issued in accordance with the Anti-Doing Rules may, during a period of Ineligibility
or Provisional Suspension, participate in any capacity in any Event.
Section 2.04 ELIGIBILITY
(a) Athletes must meet all requirements of the Event’s sanctioning body (e.g., including
but not limited to the sanctioning bodies’ licensing and/or insurance requirements).
Licensing and/or insurance requirements will be stated in the Event-specific Athlete
Information Guide;
(b) Athletes under suspension by IRONMAN are not allowed to compete in any Event;
(c) An athlete’s racing age is determined by their age on December 31st in the year of
the Event;
(d) The minimum age requirement for IRONMAN and IRONMAN 70.3 Events is 18 years
of age unless otherwise stated in the Event registration process. Athletes must meet
the minimum age requirement as of the date of the Event;
(e) Status: any athlete who (i) holds elite/professional status from their World Triathlon
Member National Federation for middle or long distance triathlon, (ii) has an
IRONMAN Professional Membership (as verified by elite/pro status of an athlete’s
National Triathlon Federation), or (iii) has entered and participated in the Elite/Pro
Division of middle or long-distance triathlon event with a prize purse of $5000USD
or greater is prohibited from racing as an age-group athlete in ANY IRONMAN or
IRONMAN 70.3-branded triathlon event operated by IRONMAN or its licensees,
anywhere in the world where there is an elite/pro division within the same calendar
(f) An athlete who competes in a category different from his/her age or status
classification will be disqualified from the Event(s) in which he/she participated.
Any awards, prizes, and/or points will be revoked;
(g) An athlete that accepts an IRONMAN or IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship Age
Group slot must disclose any change in their racing status before such World
Championship event. Failure to make such disclosure will be cause for immediate
disqualification from such EVENT and may result in suspension from IRONMAN
(h) Any athlete that commits fraud by entering any Event under an assumed name or
age, falsifying an affidavit or giving false information will be disqualified from such
Event and subject to possible suspension or expulsion from other Events at
IRONMAN’s sole discretion;
(i) Any athlete who has completed or plans to initiate a gender transition or identifies
as gender non-conforming, including those in the process of taking hormones
(collectively hereinafter referred to as “Transgender Athletes”) must comply with
IRONMAN’s rules, policies, and guidelines for Transgender Athletes (collectively, the
“Transgender Policy”). The following is a link to IRONMAN’s Transgender Policy: Athletes acknowledge that IRONMAN’s
Transgender Policy may be amended from time to time and at any time by IRONMAN
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without notice to athletes other than, as the case may be, posting such amendments
on IRONMAN’s website;
(j) The Physically Challenged (“PC”) Open Division eligibility requirements are
specifically set forth in Article VIII; and
(k) The Handcycle (“HC”) Division eligibility requirements are specifically set forth in
Article IX.
(a) An athlete will be judged as finished the moment any part of his/her torso crosses
the vertical line extending from the leading edge of the finish line;
(b) A Race will be won by the athlete who has the shortest time from the applicable
start signal to the moment when the athlete finishes the Race;
(c) The Head Referee, in consultation with the Head Timer, will use all resources
reasonably available to decide the final position of every athlete. Information from
technology may be used to assist in the decision-making process. The Head Referee
or Head Timer may decide, based on the available evidence, that a Race is tied if
there is no reasonable way of clearly determining which athlete crossed the line first.
Results of tied athletes will be sorted according to the Race bib numbers provided,
however, athletes who finish in a contrived tie situation (e.g., where no effort
is made by either athlete to separate the athlete’s finish time from the finish time of
the other athlete) will be disqualified;
(d) Results will be official once the Head Referee signs them. Incomplete results can be
a declared official at any time; and
(e) Results will include athletes who do not finish the Race (“DNF”), and those who are
disqualified (“DSQ”). All available splits will be listed for DNF athletes.
Section 3.01 GENERAL
(a) Failure to comply with any of the Competition Rules may result in an athlete being
punished with a thirty (30) Second Time Penalty (for the IRONMAN® 70.3®-branded
Races); a sixty (60) Second Time Penalty (for the IRONMAN®-branded Races); a (five)
5:00 Minute Time Penalty, disqualification from the Event, suspension from multiple
Events, or expulsion for life from all Events;
(b) Race Referees will notify athletes of a rule violation by showing the athlete a coloured
the card in combination with a verbal directive. Penalty card colours and their associated
the penalty is as follows:
(i) Yellow Card: means, as applicable, a Thirty (30) Second Time Penalty for
IRONMAN® 70.3®-branded Races and a Sixty (60) Second Time Penalty for
IRONMAN®-branded Races;
(ii) Blue Card: 5:00 Minute Time Penalty; and
(iii) Red Card: disqualification;
(c) The nature of the rule violation will determine the type of penalty;
(d) A suspension or an expulsion will occur for serious violations of the Competition
Rules (the severity of Competition Rule violations shall be determined by the Head
Referee in consultation with the Global Head Referee, in their sole and absolute
(e) The most common rule violations and penalties are set forth in Appendix A; and
(f) In any circumstance where a Race Referee deems an unfair advantage has been
gained by an athlete, or if a Race Referee determines that an athlete has
intentionally or recklessly created a dangerous situation, such Race Referee may, at
the Race Referee’s discretion, assess penalties to or disqualify athletes (even if such
violations by the athlete are not expressly set forth in the Competition Rules).
(a) For purposes of clarity and the athlete’s convenience, certain Competition Rules
may include a corresponding time penalty or disqualification penalty indication in
parenthesis following the Competition Rule. However, the absence of a
the corresponding penalty with respect to any rule does not preclude Race Referees
from issuing a penalty for the violation of any such rule. Each applicable penalty (if
one is expressly stated in these Competition Rules) may be stated within the context
of the rule or may be stated in parentheses following the rule (e.g., “30 or 60 Second
Time Penalty (as applicable)”, “5:00 Minute Time Penalty”, or disqualification
(b) Race Referees are not required to give athletes a warning before issuing a penalty;
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(c) Swim-course time penalties will be served in the swim-to-bike transition area (“T1”)
under instructions from a Race Referee;
(d) Bike-course time penalties will be served in a designated Penalty Tent (“PT”). The
location of the PTs will be stated in the Event-specific Athlete Information Guide. It
is the athlete’s responsibility to report to the next PT on the course. Failure to stop
at the next PT on the bike course will result in disqualification;
(e) Run-course time penalties will be served at the point of the rule violation, under
instructions from a Race Referee (there are no PTs on the run course);
(f) A blue card will be used for drafting violations and intentional littering, and a yellow
the card will be used for certain other rule infringements;
(g) When a rule violation is issued by a Race Referee with respect to conduct on the
the bike course, the Race Referee, will:
(i) Notify the athlete that the athlete has received a yellow card, blue card, or
red card and will show the athlete the corresponding card; and
(ii) Instruct the athlete to report to the next PT on the course.
(h) When cited for a rule violation on the bike course, the athlete must:
(i) Report to the next PT and tell the PT official the colour of the card received. If
the athlete fails to report to the next PT or fails to report the correct colour of
the card, the athlete will be disqualified;
(ii) Have bike numbers marked by the PT official with a slash (/);
(iii) Register on the PT sign-in sheet;
(iv) Upon receiving a yellow card, resume the Race only after remaining in the PT
for the 30 or 60 Second Time Penalty (as applicable) (and only after completion
of (ii) and (iii) above); and
(v) Upon receiving a blue card, resume the Race only after remaining in the PT for
5:00 Minutes (and only after completion of (ii) and (iii) above).
(a) Any athlete who accumulates three (3) blue cards will be disqualified. If disqualified,
an athlete may finish the Race unless otherwise instructed by a Race Referee;
(b) A red card may be issued to an athlete for severe rule violations including, but not
limited to, repeated rule violations, disregard for directives given by Race Referees
or Race Officials, or dangerous or unsportsmanlike conduct; and
(c) Disqualified athletes will not be eligible for age-group awards, including, without
limitation, IRONMAN World Championship slots or IRONMAN 70.3 World
Championship slots. Neither timing splits nor Race results will be listed for
disqualified athletes.
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Section 3.04 SUSPENSION
(a) A suspension may be issued for fraudulent conduct or certain rule violations
including, but not limited to, illegal transfer of entries, repeated rule violations,
intentional course cutting, or dangerous or unsportsmanlike conduct;
(b) Suspensions will be assessed by the Global Head Referee based on information
submitted by the Head Referee or the Event Director;
(c) Suspensions will be issued by the Global Head Referee for periods of no less than
three (3) months and not exceeding four (4) years, depending on the severity of the
(d) Suspended athletes will be prohibited from competing in any Event and any other
event affiliated with IRONMAN during the suspension period;
(e) Suspended athletes will be notified, in writing, by the Global Head Referee.
IRONMAN will notify the World Triathlon and the relevant National Federation of
the athlete’s suspension; and
(f) A list of common rule violations that may result in a suspension are set forth in
Appendix A.
Section 3.05 EXPULSION
(a) An athlete may be expelled for life from competing in any Events or any other
IRONMAN-affiliated events if the athlete repeatedly violates the Competition Rules,
is repeatedly disqualified from Events, or if the athlete is repeatedly suspended from
(b) Expelled athletes will be notified, in writing, by the Global Head Referee;
(c) The World Triathlon and relevant National Federation will be notified of the athlete’s
(a) The athlete’s right to protest or appeal, if any, will be governed and handled by the
Event’s sanctioning body and/or the competition rules of the relevant National
Federation provided, however, that if no formal process exists for the applicable
National Federation, then IRONMAN may elect to handle protests and appeals for
such Event in a manner that is substantially similar to the process set forth by the
then-current World Triathlon Competition Rules;
(b) No protest may be filed with respect to matters which were observed by or
previously ruled upon by a Race Referee. No person may file a protest which requires
a judgment call. A “judgment call,” as used in these Competition Rules, means the
resolution of a dispute involving one or more material facts that cannot be
determined with certainty solely through the production of tangible physical
evidence. The term “judgment call” shall include but shall not be limited to a
resolution of:
(i) any purported violation of the cycling position foul Rules (including alleged
drafting violations);
(ii) allegations of blocking, obstruction, or interference; or
(iii) allegations of unsportsmanlike conduct.
(c) Appeals by athletes penalized for judgment calls will not be considered.
Following any suspension period, the suspended athlete must request, in writing to the Global.
Head Referee, and receive IRONMAN’s approval before resuming participation in any Event.
Section 4.01 GENERAL
(a) Each swimmer must wear an official swim cap provided by the Race Officials. Failing
wear a swim cap at all times during the swim segment of the Race may result in a
time penalty enforced by Race Referees after the swim segment in T1.
(b) Wearing swim goggles or a face mask is neither prohibited nor required;
(c) The use of snorkels, fins, gloves, paddles, or flotation devices of any kind (including
pull buoys) is prohibited; (DSQ)
(d) The use of a cast or splint must be pre-approved by the Event-specific Head Referee;
(30 or 60 Second Time Penalty (as applicable) or DSQ)
(e) Neoprene or any other booties are prohibited unless the water temperature is 18.3
degrees C/65.0 degrees F, or colder; (30 or 60 Second Time Penalty (as applicable))
(f) When the use of wetsuits is prohibited (see Section 4.03), clothing covering any part
of the arms below the elbows, and clothing covering any of the legs below the knee is
deemed illegal and is not permitted during the swim segment of the Race but may
be worn after completion of the swim segment; (DSQ)
(g) Individual paddlers or escorts are prohibited; (DSQ)
(h) Any assistance during the swim will result in disqualification if forward progress was
made. Athletes are permitted to use the on-course kayaks and boats as aid as long
as no forward progress is made. Race Officials and medical personnel reserve the
right to remove athletes from the course if such removal is determined medically
(i) It is the sole responsibility of each athlete to know and follow the prescribed
swimming course. No adjustments in times or results will be made, for any reason
whatsoever, for athletes who fail to follow the proper course;
(j) Indecent exposure/public nudity is prohibited at all times during an Event; (DSQ) and
(k) Swim course cut-off times will be stated in the Event-specific Athlete Information
Section 4.02 WETSUIT RULES
(a) For age-group athletes, wetsuits may be worn in water temperature up to and
including 24.5 degrees C/76.1 degrees F (DSQ) (*Please note: If the water
temperature is above 24.5 degrees C/76.1 degrees F (but is less than or equal to 28.8
degrees C/83.8 degrees F) then, with respect to certain Events (e.g., Events
sanctioned by USA Triathlon (“USAT”)), IRONMAN may, in its sole discretion, allow
age-group athletes to wear wetsuits and participate in a separate non-competitive
wetsuit wave/division, provided, however, that such athletes participating in the
designated non-competitive wetsuit wave/division will not be eligible for age-group
awards including, without limitation, IRONMAN World Championship slots or
IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship slots);
(b) For professional athletes, wetsuits may be worn in water temperatures up to and
including 21.9 degrees C/71.5 degrees F; (DSQ)
(c) A wetsuit may cover any part of the body except the face, hands, and feet;
(d) A race kit may be worn underneath the wetsuit;
(e) The thickness of the wetsuit may not exceed 5mm. If the wetsuit consists of two or
more pieces than the combined thickness of the overlapping pieces may not exceed
5 mm; (DSQ) and
(f) Wetsuits are mandatory for professional athletes and age-group athletes for water
temperatures below 16 degrees C/60.8 degrees F. (DSQ)
(a) Swimwear must be 100% textile material, which is defined as materials consisting of
natural and/or synthetic, individual and non-consolidated yarns used to constitute a
fabric by weaving, knitting, and/or braiding (this generally refers to suits made only
from nylon or lycra that do not have any rubberized material such as polyurethane
or neoprene); (DSQ)
(b) Swimwear may contain a zipper;
(c) Sleeves that extend from shoulder to elbow may be worn;
(d) Wetsuit (neoprene) shorts/bottoms are prohibited; (DSQ)
(e) Swimwear must not cover the neck, must not extend past the elbow, and must not
extend past the knees; (DSQ) and
(f) A textile race kit may be worn underneath swimwear, provided, however, that the
textile race kit must not extend past the elbow and must not extend past the knees.
(a) Headsets or headphones are prohibited during the swim segment of the Race (30 or
60 Second Time Penalty (as applicable), DSQ if not remedied promptly);
(b) Athletes may not use communication devices of any type, including but not limited
to cell phones, smartwatches, and two-way radios, in any distractive manner during
the Race. A “distractive manner” includes but is not limited to making and receiving
phone calls, sending and receiving text messages, playing music, using social media,
and taking photographs. Using a communication device in a distractive manner
during the Race will result in disqualification; and
(c) Cameras, phone cameras, and video cameras are prohibited unless permission is
given by IRONMAN. If such permission is given by IRONMAN, it is the athlete’s
responsibility to notify the Head Referee of such permission prior to the start of the
Race. Athletes seen with an unauthorized camera, phone camera, or video camera
will be disqualified.
Section 5.01 GENERAL
(a) The bicycle shall be propelled solely, through a chainset, by the legs moving in a
circular movement without electric or other assistance. Other than pushing or
carrying a bicycle, any propulsive action brought on by the use of the hands is prohibited
(except with respect to PC Open athletes and HC athletes in accordance with Article
VIII and Article IX); (DSQ and indefinite suspension)
(b) Athletes must not make forward progress unaccompanied by their bicycle. If a
bicycle is rendered inoperable, an athlete may proceed on the cycling course,
running or walking, while pushing or carrying the bicycle, so long as the bicycle is
pushed or carried in a manner not to obstruct or impede the progress of other
athletes; (DSQ)
(c) It is the sole responsibility of each athlete to know and follow the prescribed cycling
course. No adjustments in times or results will be made, for any reason whatsoever,
for athletes who fail to follow the proper course;
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(d) All athletes must obey all traffic laws while on the cycling course unless otherwise
specifically directed by a Race Referee or Race Official with actual authority. Unless
otherwise directed in accordance with the preceding sentence, all athletes must
come to a complete stop when required by a traffic sign or traffic control device and
must not proceed through any intersection unless such intersection is clear of
oncoming traffic. In no case can a cyclist cross a solid yellow line indicating a no
passing zone unless specifically directed to by a Race Referee or Race Official with
actual authority; (30 or 60 Second Time Penalty (as applicable) or, depending upon
the severity of the violation, DSQ)
(e) No cyclist shall endanger herself/or another athlete. Any cyclist who
intentionally or recklessly presents a danger to any athlete or who, in the judgment
of the Head Referee, appears to present a danger to any athlete will be disqualified;
(f) All athletes are required to maintain control of their bicycle and to operate at a
reasonable speed so as not to threaten the safety and well-being of the aid station
volunteers, other competitors, Race Officials, the public, and/or spectators.
Operation of a bicycle in a dangerous or reckless manner will be grounds for
(g) All athletes must exercise extreme caution and decrease speed if necessary in
passing the site of any cycling or other accident; (DSQ)
(h) Cycling with a bare torso is prohibited. Athletes must wear a shirt, jersey, or sport top/sports bra at all times during the cycling segment of the Race; (30 or 60 Second
Time Penalty (as applicable), DSQ if not remedied promptly)
(i) Uniforms with a front zipper may be unzipped to any length, provided that (i) the
the zipper should be connected at the bottom of the uniform at all times, and (ii) the
top of the uniform should cover the shoulders at all times; (DSQ, if not remedied
(j) Athletes must wear a bike helmet number on the front of their helmet; (30 or 60
Second Time Penalty (as applicable))
(k) The athletes’ bike frame sticker must be securely attached to the bike and must be
visible from both sides; (30 or 60 Second Time Penalty (as applicable))
(l) Any item that needs to be discarded, including but not limited to water bottles, gel
wrappers, bar wrappers, broken bike parts, or clothing items may be discarded only
in the designated trash drop zones at each aid station. Discarding any item outside
of the trash drop zones is prohibited; (5:00 Minute Time Penalty) *Please note: due
to the local laws and ordinances at select Event venues, intentional littering will result
in disqualification (See Event-specific Athlete Information Guide for more
(m) Except as set forth below in Section 5.02(b), additional equipment that has the effect
of reducing wind resistance is prohibited during the bike segment of the Race
2022 Competition Rules – Page 17
(whether such equipment is worn under the athlete’s clothing, over the athlete’s
clothing, or is otherwise attached to the athlete’s body or the athlete’s bike); (DSQ)
(n) Bike course cut-off times will be stated in the Event-specific Athlete Information
Section 5.02 EQUIPMENT
(a) Wheels
(i) The front wheel must be of spoke construction (aero rim with spokes is
permitted) and must not be solid; (DSQ)
(ii) The rear wheel may be either spoke or solid construction (disc wheel). Wheel
covers are permitted only on the rear wheel. For reasons of safety, solid (disc)
rear wheels are prohibited at the IRONMAN World Championship; (DSQ)
(iii) Wheels of spoke construction may consist of an aero rim with spokes (spokes
may be bladed, round, flattened, or oval); and
(iv) No wheel may contain any mechanism capable of accelerating or artificially
causing the continued rotation of the wheel. (DSQ)
(b) Helmets
(i) Helmets must be approved by a nationally accredited testing authority, and such
the authority must be recognized by the World Triathlon and the relevant National
Federation. (Please note: at all events sanctioned by USA Triathlon (“USAT”),
USAT requires all USA age-group athletes to wear a helmet approved by the USA
(ii) A helmet must be worn by athletes who are riding a bike during the Event: (e.g.,
including but not limited to the Race competition, familiarization of Race
course, and training sessions); (30 or 60 Second Time Penalty (as applicable),
DSQ if not remedied promptly)
(iii) An alteration to any part of the helmet, including the chin strap, or the omission
of any part of the helmet, is prohibited; (DSQ)
(iv) The helmet must be securely fastened at all times when the athlete is in
possession of the bike, which means from the time they remove their bike from
the rack at the start of the bike segment of the Race, until after the athlete has
placed the athlete’s bike on the track at the finish of the bike segment of the
Race; (30 or 60 Second Time Penalty (as applicable), DSQ if not remedied
promptly) and
(v) If an athlete moves the athlete’s bike off of the Racecourse for any reason, the
athlete may not unfasten or remove the helmet until after the athlete has
moved outside the boundary of the bike course route and has dismounted from
the bike. Before returning onto the bike course or before remounting the bike
2022 Competition Rules – Page 18
the athlete must fasten the helmet securely on the athlete’s head. (30 or 60
Second Time Penalty (as applicable), DSQ if not remedied promptly)
(c) Illegal Equipment
(i) Helmet mirrors or mirrors attached to the bike or body (collectively, “mirrors”)
may be used by athletes during the Race, provided, however, that (A) prior to
the race, the athlete must first notify the head official of the athlete’s intent to use
or possess such mirrors during the Race, and (B) any athlete using or possessing
a mirror during the Race will be ineligible to receive awards including, without
limitation, IRONMAN World Championship slots or IRONMAN 70.3 World
Championship slots. Using or possessing mirrors during the Race without
providing prior notification to the head referee will result in disqualification;
(ii) Cameras, phone cameras, and video cameras are prohibited unless permission
is given by IRONMAN. If permission is given by IRONMAN, it is the athlete’s
responsibility to notify the Head Referee of such permission prior to the start
of the Race. Athletes seen with a camera, phone camera, or video camera will
be disqualified;
(iii) Athletes may not use communication devices of any type, including but not
limited to two-way radios, cell phones, smart watches, and smart helmets (i.e.,
helmets enabled with Bluetooth® technology), in any distractive manner during
the Race. A “distractive manner” includes but is not limited to making and
receiving phone calls, sending and receiving text messages, playing music, using
social media, taking photographs and mounting the device to a bike for
purposes of using the device like a bike computer. Using a communication
a device in a distractive manner during the Race will result in disqualification;
(iv) Headsets, headphones, audio-capable eyewear or cycling helmets are
prohibited during the bike segment of the Race; (1:00 Minute Penalty, DSQ if
not remedied promptly); and
(v) Bike or parts of the bike not complying with the bike specifications (as set forth
in Section 5.03) are prohibited; (30 or 60 Second Time Penalty (as applicable)
or DSQ depending on severity).
(a) All bicycles and bicycle equipment must conform to the specifications set forth in
this Section. Any athlete (other than an athlete competing in the HC Division or the
PC Open Division) using a nonconforming bicycle or otherwise violating this Section
will be disqualified:
(i) Length cannot exceed two meters, and width cannot exceed 75 centimetres;
(ii) The distance from the ground to the centre of the chain wheel axle must
measure at least 24 centimetres;
(iii) A vertical line touching the front most point of the saddle may be no more than
5 centimetres in front of and no more than 15 centimetres behind a vertical
the line passing through the centre of the chain wheel axle. The cyclist must not
have the capability of adjusting the saddle beyond these limits during the Race;
(iv) The “front-to-centre” distance, which is defined as the distance between a
the vertical line passing through the centre of the chain wheel axle and a vertical
the line passing through the centre of the front axle must measure not less than
54 centimetres, except where the distance between the centre of the chain
wheel axle and the top of the saddle is less than 71 centimetres (in this case the
the front-to-centre distance cannot be less than 50 centimetres). The “front-to centre” distance must not measure more than 65 centimetres, or seven
eighths of the distance between the centre of the chain wheel axle and the top
of the saddle, whichever is greater. Applicability of the two foregoing
exceptions are determined by measuring from a point on top of the saddle which
is 14 centimetres behind the front-most point of the saddle.
(b) Fairings are prohibited. Any device added or blended into the structure that may
decrease or that has the effect of decreasing resistance to air penetration, or that
may artificially accelerate propulsion, such as a protective screen, fuselage form
fairing or the like is prohibited; (DSQ)
(c) Except as otherwise determined by the Event Director in the interest of safety, the
the front wheel may be of a different diameter than the rear wheel;
(d) Handlebars and stems must be fashioned to prevent any danger. All handlebar ends
must be solidly plugged to lessen the possibility of injury; (30 or 60 Second Time
Penalty (as applicable), DSQ if not remedied promptly)
(e) There must be one working brake on each of the two wheels; (DSQ)
(f) There must be a free-wheeling mechanism between the crank and the rear wheel
that allows the bicycle to roll forward while the pedals remain stationary; (DSQ)
(g) All aspects of the bicycle must be safe to the rider and to other athletes in the Race.
Minimum safety standards include but are not limited to, meeting or exceeding the
standards of a reputable safety standards organization (such as CPSC, ISO, or other
equally reputable safety standards organizations), properly glued and sealed tires,
tight headset and handlebars, and true wheels; and
(h) Non-traditional or unusual bikes or equipment are illegal unless prior to the start of
the Race approval has been granted by the Event-specific Head Referee. (DSQ)
(a) “Drafting” means to remain within the draft zone (as described below) of another
athlete for a period longer than 25 seconds. Drafting during the Race is prohibited;
(5:00 Minute Time Penalty)
(b) The bicycle draft zone is 12 meters long, measured from the leading edge of the
front wheel and extending towards the back of the bike (6 bike lengths of clear space
between bikes). Athletes may enter the draft zone of another athlete when passing
and must continuously progress through the draft zone. A maximum of 25 seconds
will be allowed to pass through the zone of another athlete; (5:00 Minute Time
(i) Before entering another athlete’s draft zone, professional athletes must
move to the side of the athlete being overtaken (i.e., no slipstreaming). Failure
to do so will result in a drafting violation; (5:00 Minute Time Penalty)
(c) Athletes must remain outside of the draft zone (6 bike lengths between bikes)
except when passing. Failure to do so will result in a drafting violation; (5:00 Minute
Time Penalty)
(d) A “pass” occurs when the overtaking athlete’s front wheel passes the leading edge
of the front wheel of the athlete being overtaken;
(e) The overtaking athlete may not return from a draft zone after entering it. Once
an overtaking athlete enters the draft zone of another athlete, a pass must be
completed; (5:00 Minute Time Penalty)
(f) An overtaken athlete must immediately drop out of the draft zone of the passing
athlete and must continuously make rearward progress out of the draft zone of the
passing athlete. Re-passing by the overtaken athlete prior to dropping out of the
the draft zone will result in an overtaken violation; (30 or 60 Second Time Penalty (as
(g) Overtaken athletes who remain within the draft zone of the passing athlete for more
then 25 seconds will be given a drafting violation; (5:00 Minute Time Penalty)
(h) Athletes must ride single file on the far-right side (or left side, depending on local
law) of the bike course road except when passing another athlete (or for reasons of
safety). Side-by-side riding is not permitted and may result in drafting or blocking
violation; (5:00 Minute Time Penalty or 30 or 60 Second Time Penalty (as applicable))
(i) Exceptions: An athlete may enter the drafting zone without penalty only under the
following conditions:
(i) If an athlete enters the drafting zone and completes a pass within 25 seconds;
(ii) For safety reasons;
(iii) Entering and exiting an aid station or transition area;
(iv) An acute turn; and
(v) If a Race Official exempts a section of the course because of narrow lanes,
constructions, detours, or for other safety reasons.
(j) Athletes who impede the forward progress of other athletes will be given a blocking
violation; (30 or 60 Second Time Penalty (as applicable)) and
(k) Athletes violating rules under this Section 5.04 will be notified “on the spot” by a
Race Referee. Please note: if a safety hazard prevents a referee from notifying an
athlete “on the spot” (e.g., heavy traffic, narrow roads, congested area, etc.) the
referee will notify the penalized athlete when the safety hazard no longer exists.
Section 5.05 PENALTY TENT
(a) All bike-course time penalties will be served in a designated Penalty Tent (“PT”). The
location of the PTs will be stated in the Event-specific Athlete Information Guide.
After a rule violation is issued to the athlete, it is the athlete’s responsibility to report
to the next PT on the course. Failure to stop at the next PT on the bike course will
result in disqualification;
(b) While in the PT, athletes can consume only the food and/or water that is on the
athlete’s bike or person; (DSQ)
(c) Athletes are prohibited from using the restroom while serving a penalty in the PT.
Using the restroom while serving a time penalty will result in disqualification; and
(d) Making adjustments to equipment or performing any type of bike maintenance
while serving a penalty in the PT is prohibited. (DSQ)
The following is a summary of the most common Competition Rule violations and penalties and is not
intended to be an all-inclusive list of violations and penalties (herein referred to as “Summary”). In any
instance where this Summary is inconsistent with or otherwise contradicts the Competition Rules set forth
in Articles I-X, the Competition Rules set forth in Articles I-X shall govern. Each athlete is responsible for
knowing and understanding all Competition Rules (including without limitation any additional rules set
forth in the Event-specific Athlete Information Guide).
APPENDIX A: Common Competition Rule Violations and Penalties
The following is a summary of the most common Competition Rule violations and penalties and is not
intended to be an all-inclusive list of violations and penalties (herein referred to as “Summary”). In any
instance where this Summary is inconsistent with or otherwise contradicts the Competition Rules set forth
in Articles I-X, the Competition Rules set forth in Articles I-X shall govern. Each athlete is responsible for
knowing and understanding all Competition Rules (including without limitation any additional rules set
forth in the Event-specific Athlete Information Guide).
Public nudity or indecent exposure- DSQ
Littering outside of the trash/rubbish drop zones – 5:00 Minute Time Penalty
Using unsportsmanlike behavior -DSQ and potential suspension
Failure to follow the prescribed course -DSQ
Failure to wear a shirt or sport top during the bike or run 30 or 60 Second Time Penalty (as applicable) if
remedied- DSQ if not remedied promptly
Accepting assistance from anyone other than Race
Referees, Race Officials or other Race participants in
accordance with the Competition Rules
If it is possible to amend and return to the
original situation then a 30 or 60 Second Time Penalty
(as applicable) will be assessed, if not – DSQ
Giving another athlete a complete bike, frame, wheel(s),
helmet, bike shoes, running shoes or any other item
equipment which results in the donor athlete being unable
to continue with their own Race, or assisting the physical
forward progress of another athlete on any part of the
course during the Race – DSQ of both athletes
Fraud by entering under an assumed name or age,
falsifying an affidavit, or giving false information – DSQ and potential suspension
Not stopping in the next penalty tent after being obliged
to do so – DSQ
Use of communication devices of any type, including but
not limited to two-way radios, cell phones, smart watches,
smart helmets (i.e., helmets enabled with Bluetooth®
technology), in any distractive manner, during the Race. – DSQ
Use of any device that will distract the athlete from paying
full attention to their surroundings, including but not
limited to making and receiving phone calls, sending and
receiving text messages, using social media, taking
photographs, and using a device as a bike computer.- DSQ
In a non-wetsuit swim, wearing clothing covering any part
of the arms below the elbow and/or clothing covering any
part of the legs below knee- DSQ
In a non-wetsuit swim, wearing swimwear that is not 100%
textile material.
2022 Competition Rules – Page 30
Wearing a wetsuit that measures more than 5mm thick DSQ
Using a snorkel DSQ
Drafting violation 5:00 Minute Time Penalty
Blocking (side by side riding) 30 or 60 Second Time Penalty (as applicable)
Once overtaken, re-passing prior to dropping out of the
draft zone
30 or 60 Second Time Penalty (as applicable)
Once overtaken, remaining in the draft zone for more than
25 seconds
5:00 Minute Time Penalty
Failure to wear a shirt or sport top during the bike portion 30 or 60 Second Time Penalty (as applicable) if remedied, DSQ if not remedied promptly
Front zipper of uniform is not connected at the bottom or
if the top does not cover the shoulders
DSQ if not remedied promptly
During the bike segment, wearing the helmet unfastened
or insecurely fastened
30 or 60 Second Time Penalty (as applicable) if
remedied, DSQ if not remedied promptly
Wearing headsets or headphones during competition 30 or 60 Second Time Penalty (as applicable) if
remedied, DSQ if not remedied promptly
Not wearing a helmet during all Event activities when the
athlete rides the bike: e.g., competition, familiarization,
and training sessions
30 or 60 Second Time Penalty (as applicable).
Make forward progress without bike during the bike
30 or 60 Second Time Penalty (as applicable) if
remedied, DSQ if not remedied promptly
Wearing headsets or headphones during competition 30 or 60 Second Time Penalty (as applicable) if
remedied, DSQ if not remedied promptly
Failure to wear a shirt or sport top during the run portion 30 or 60 Second Time Penalty (as applicable) if
remedied, DSQ if not remedied
Front zipper of uniform is not connected at the bottom or
if the top does not cover the shoulders
DSQ if not remedied promptly
Crossing the finish line with a non-participating individual DSQ
Blocking the progress of other athletes 30 or 60 Second Time Penalty (as applicable)
Interfering with another athlete’s equipment 30 or 60 Second Time Penalty (as applicable)
- *Please note: due to the local laws and ordinances at select Event venues, intentional littering will
result in disqualification (See Event-specific Athlete Information Guide for more information). - **Please note: at select Event venues athletes are required to wear their athlete bib number on
both the bike and run segments of the Race (See Event-specific Athlete Information Guide for more